Taoyuan Zhongli Commonwealth Bank broke out the local epidemic!The command center announced nine new confirmed cases in the evening

指揮中心今(12)天晚間公布國內新增9例本土確診病例,均為案17630之同職場工作人員。   圖:中央流行疫情指揮中心提供(資料照片)

Command center today (12) days In the evening, it was announced that there were 9 new local confirmed cases in China, all of which were staff members of the same workplace with 17,630 cases. Photo: Provided by the Central Epidemic Command Center (file photo)

The local epidemic in Taoyuan continues to spread. The Central Epidemic Epidemic Command Center announced 9 new local confirmed cases in the country this evening (12), with a Ct value of 18.2-26.5, 2 males and 7 females, respectively. In their 20s and 50s, they are all employees of the Zhongli Union Bank Health Branch and the same workplace staff in case 17630. At present, the bank employees, their families, relatives and close contacts have all been quarantined.

The command center stated that the Taoyuan City Health Bureau is conducting an investigation at night and continues to expand the collection and inspection of related contacts, and clears the work area for case services. It is understood that the resident service worker diagnosed in the Taoji cluster case had brief contact with the newly added case 17630 today; while the bank had a dinner party on January 7, which may have infected other colleagues at that time. Three staff members were found to be diagnosed with the virus. The bank is currently closed, and the entire building has been disinfected.

The Taoyuan City Government Health Bureau has conducted inspections at Zhongli District Zhongzheng Park, Zhonglu Park, Longgang Inspection Station, Zhongli District Liming Park, North District Hakka Guild Hall, Ziqiang Activity Center, Dongxing Community activity centers and other places have set up community inspection stations. The Taoyuan City Government calls on those who visit the Union Bank branch for business or contact with staff from January 4th to January 12th to go to the second Zhongbei Road in Zhongli District. Dongxing Community Activity Center at No. 10, Lane 76, Duan 76 for inspection.

The command center also reminded that if the public has visited the Zhongli Union Bank branch for business, contact with the staff, or footprints with nearby communities from January 4th to 12th If there is overlap, please conduct self-health monitoring. If you have symptoms such as fever, upper respiratory tract, diarrhea, and abnormal sense of smell and taste before January 26, you should wear a medical mask and go to the community inspection station or designated inspection center as soon as possible for inspection and evaluation.

The local epidemic situation in Taoyuan continues to spread, and the Central Epidemic Command Center announced today (12) nights that there were 9 new local confirmed cases in China , Ct values ​​ranged from 18.2 to 26.5, 2 males and 7 females, aged in their 20s to 50s, all of whom were employees and cases of Zhongli Commonwealth Bank Jianxing Branch of the contact expanded today. 17630 of the same workplace staff. At present, the bank employees, their families, relatives and close contacts have all been quarantined. The Central Epidemic Epidemic Command Center announced today (12) days that there were 9 new confirmed cases in China, with a Ct value between 18.2- 26.5, 2 males and 7 females, aged in their 20s to 50s, all of whom were employees of the Zhongli Commonwealth Bank’s Jianxing Branch and the same workplace staff in case 17630. At present, the bank employees, their families, relatives and close contacts have all been quarantined. Taoyuan City Health Bureau is conducting an investigation at night and continues to expand the collection and inspection of related contacts, and clears the work area for case services. It is understood that the resident service worker diagnosed in the Taoji cluster case had brief contact with the newly added case 17630 today; while the bank had a dinner party on January 7, which may have infected other colleagues at that time. Three staff members were found to be diagnosed with the virus. The bank is currently closed, and the entire building has been disinfected.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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