Technical Diving Pioneer Tom Mount Dies Aged 83

Technical diving pioneer and founder of technical diving agency IANTD Tom Mount has died at the age of 83.

A legend in the diving industry, Mount has been involved as a pioneer almost throughout his career.

In 1968 he was one of the founding members of the National Association for Cave Diving – consider for a long time one of the models of how to approach tech diver training.

He then joined Dick Rutkowski in 1991 to form the technical diving agency IANTD, dedicated to teaching Nitrox to recreational divers.

In 1992 Mount was named president and CEO of IANTD, a position that he held until 2005 and was instrumental in shaping the direction of the sport.  For many years IANTD was the only technical diving training organization in the world.

Mount was also one of the pioneers in relation to diver training and the development of dive tables in relation to the use of trimix as a breathing gas for diving.

He was recognized several times in the industry for his contribution with an SSI Platinum Pro 5000 Diver in 1993 and a NOGI Award for ‘Sports/Education’ in 2000.

Rest in peace old friend.

Posted by IANTD on Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Feature Image courtesy of Rosemary Lunn / Facebook

Stephan Whelan

Stephan is the Founder of His passion for the underwater world started at 8 years old with a try-dive in a hotel pool on holiday that soon formulated into a lifelong love affair with the oceans. In 1996 he set up and has grown the site to be the most popular diving website and community in the world.

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