Technician develops fantastic “UFO patents” for US Navy

Apple camping owner Toby Rhys-Davies with his UFO flying saucer accommodation at his 'glamping' campsite, Redberth, Pembrokeshire, Wales


Digital Life

Ultra-fast spaceships, inexhaustible sources of energy, space-time-changing weapons – a man has patents for all of this.

On behalf of the US Navy, a mechanical and aerospace engineer has received a number of patents which are listed as “ UFO patents ” have achieved a certain level of notoriety in inventor circles. The patents describe technologies that seem like science fiction, such as means of transport that move at enormous speed through any medium can move – from water to space.

Currently technically impossible

What in the patents goes far beyond current technical possibilities, such as Interesting Engineering reports . Salvatore Cezar Pais does not prevent that from repeatedly applying for patents for new ideas, such as compact energy sources , which generate as much electricity as nuclear power plants, or Weapons that change space-time and are so strong “that the hydrogen bomb next to it looks like a firecracker”.

This is how one of the projects is described in a Navy document. The maritime branch of the US military took Pai’s ideas so seriously that entire teams of researchers were assigned to conduct experiments. For example, the idea of ​​an electromagnetic field generator was tested, which has an impenetrable defense shield should create. Even asteroids should simply burst on the protective shield.

Patent von Salvatore Cezar Pais für ein konisches Raumschiff

Patent von Salvatore Cezar Pais für ein konisches Raumschiff

Illustration from patent by Salvatore Cezar Pais for a triangular spaceship that moves almost smoothly through various media thanks to quantum forces


No evidence for the “Pais effect”

The basis for the generator, as well as for other “UFO patents” is the so-called “ Pais effect “- an energetic state of electromagnetically charged matter. A team spent three years looking for evidence of the effect. Half a million dollars were spent on it. After 1,600 working hours, the result was that the Pais effect could not be proven.

Various scientists are extremely skeptical of Pai’s ideas. You speak of a “classic case of pathological science “and wonder why Pais were granted the patents at all. The ideas outlined in it are “a wonderful wish list of things we are striving for”. The descriptions are full of “nonsense claims” that “make no physical sense”.

Secret employment

Salvatore Cezar Pais has after a PhD Graduated from Cleveland, Ohio, already worked at NASA, at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD), and at the defense company Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems. His followers compare his visionary approach to that of Nikola Tesla. Public statements by Pais are sparse, probably because of nondisclosure clauses with the Navy, for whom he works in the Strategic Systems Programs department at the Department of Defense in Washington DC.

Ob Pais Genius or Madman remains unclear. He himself advises skeptics in a contribution by The Drive

to be impartial about his work.

More on the subject

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