Teenage boy stabbed in the stomach – two men chased



On Saturday morning, a teenage boy was stabbed in the stomach at a school in Halmstad.

Another young guy was also injured in connection with the incident.

– We have had a dog on the spot and searched the local area, says Christer Fuxborg , spokesman for the police.

The alarm about the incident came at 05.30 on Saturday morning. When police arrived at the scene, two boys in their late teens were found injured.

One of them was stabbed in the stomach and has received serious injuries, states region Halland.

– But if you are stabbed in the stomach, it is of course very serious, he says to Hallandsposten.

The other person has been beaten and threatened with a knife.

– But that outcome took in a jacket he was wearing, says Christer Fuxborg to SVT Nyheter Halland .

Black jacket and jeans

Now the police are chasing two suspected perpetrators who should have been seen run from the place. One of them must have been wearing a black jacket and jeans and possibly sunglasses according to the police.

No one has been arrested at the moment.

– We have had a dog on the spot and searched the local area, but unfortunately it has not yielded anything. We have blocked off the site and our technicians will conduct a technical investigation, says Christer Fuxborg.

The incident is currently classified as attempted murder.

TV: More news from Southern Sweden

Film sprids efter knivattack på pojke i Malmö.

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