New nominations in Bar due to which the tension is growing from week to week.

Marko nominovan Davor omiljen u Baru Source: Kurir

The tension in Bar is growing and the moment of deciding on nominations is getting harder for the contestants!

The host of the Bar, Jelena Nikolić, informed the contestants about who was nominated, who is favorite by the audience, and this week they protected from the dismissal of the leader, Alex and Stanislav, as well as the favorites of the audience – Sven and Darko.


“Of course it hit me, I hear comments that I’m duplicitous, these are people who don’t know me, because we’ve been here for a month and who are all duplicitous,” said Marko, who admitted that he was most surprised by the minus which he received from Kristina, but even more from Dejana, although he gave her a plus and stated that he did not change his opinion about her.

The person the bartenders want to see back is definitely Marko, and his favorite Davor was chosen, who will decide who is the second nominated contestant. The audience decides who to save from dismissal this week.

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