Tents begin to be installed in the UPAs of DF

The governor said that the initiative was designed in view of the significant number of patients with respiratory symptoms seeking care

Patient care in the Federal District underwent an update. Tents to support patient care began to be set up in the emergency care units (UPAs) of the Federal District, as reported this Monday (17) by the director-president of the Instituto de Gestão Estratégica de Saúde do Distrito Federal (Iges- DF), Gislei Morais. The action is carried out in an effort by several technical areas of the institute, in compliance with the determination announced on social media by the governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha, on Thursday (13) of last week. The governor said that the initiative was designed in view of the expressive number of patients with respiratory symptoms seeking care in the UPAs. “We are working to give more comfort to patients who seek care in the public health service”, argued Ibaneis Rocha. “We prepare all the supplies and materials needed to set up the tents. Initially, they may have two purposes: to provide a humanized reception to patients or to administer simple medications”, informed Gislei Morais, citing that each UPA that will receive the tent has already been replenished with 1,260 antigen tests (PCR) for covid-19. .

Location of the tents

In all, up to 11 tents can be installed as needed at this stage. The forecast is that four UPAs will receive two tents each, one for reception and the other for medication. These are the Riacho Fundo II, Planaltina, Paranoá and Ceilândia II UPAs. The UPAs of Gama and Núcleo Bandeirante will each receive a medication tent. So far, four shelter tents have been set up at the Paranoá, Planaltina, Ceilândia II and Riacho Fundo II units.“Before installation, technicians reconnoitred the area of ​​the UPAs so that the tents could be installed in the best location”, informed the director of Administration and Logistics at Iges-DF, José Antônio Gonçalves Rosa. To define in which UPAs the tents will be installed, the director of Health Care, Nestor Francisco Miranda Júnior, pointed out that a technical study was carried out. “We analyzed the service profile of each UPA to identify which ones need this support”, he clarified.


The action has the partnership of the Health Department of the Federal District, which is temporarily providing the tents of the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu).


Installed in the parking lots in front of the entrance of the UPAs, the reception tents will work from 8 am to 8 pm as an extension of the receptions to accommodate patients. 12 chairs will be available and there will be two collaborators from the Humanizar project, which is coordinated by the Directorate of Innovation, Teaching and Research (DIEP), to guide patients during the day. The quick medication tents will have eight field beds or medication chairs. They will work from 8 am to 8 pm and with nursing teams.


Upon arriving at the UPA, the patient must retrieve the password from the Reception totem. When called, he will undergo an assessment made by a nurse in the Risk Classification Room. If the patient has respiratory symptoms, the nurse will take the patient to a room to collect the antigen test (PCR) for the diagnosis of covid-19. After the procedure, the patient will be instructed to wait for the result, processed within 15 minutes.


If the test is positive, a medical evaluation and prescription will be made. The medication will be applied in the rapid medication tent, where the other guidelines will be given.


According to a report by the Superintendence of Pre-Hospital Care of Iges-DF, in November 2021, the UPAs performed 1,516 consultations with patients with confirmation of respiratory symptoms. In the following month, December, there were 3,132, more than double the number recorded in November. In total, the UPAs performed 71,442 medical consultations in November, a number that jumped to 95,326 in December, an increase of 33%.*With information from the Brasília Agency


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