Tesla Sells More Electric Cars than All Other US/Europe Car Makers Combined

Tesla sells more electric cars than all other US and European car makers combined.

Some of the charts from Xill exclude battery electric vehicles under $10,000 in price.

1/2 With their latest chess move, $TSLA once again sold more BEVs than all the major US and EU manufacturers combined (as in Q1 of all previous years).

In Q1 2023 #Tesla sold more BEVs than Ford, GM, Stellantis, VW Group, BMW group, Mercedes and Renault Group combined. pic.twitter.com/PQbq2jGPkE

— Hill (@Xil_llix) May 7, 2023

Thanks for all the likes and for sharing the previous Tweets, Wow! 🤯

Complimentary chart: We can see a similar trend in Q1 2023 QoQ from some of the main Chinese manufacturers. pic.twitter.com/ygsPS0thmY

— Hill (@Xil_llix) May 10, 2023

Brian Wang is a Futurist Thought Leader and a popular Science blogger with 1 million readers per month. His blog Nextbigfuture.com is ranked #1 Science News Blog. It covers many disruptive technology and trends including Space, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, Anti-aging Biotechnology, and Nanotechnology.

Known for identifying cutting edge technologies, he is currently a Co-Founder of a startup and fundraiser for high potential early-stage companies. He is the Head of Research for Allocations for deep technology investments and an Angel Investor at Space Angels.

A frequent speaker at corporations, he has been a TEDx speaker, a Singularity University speaker and guest at numerous interviews for radio and podcasts.  He is open to public speaking and advising engagements.

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