Texas Governor Abbott Says He Will Hire Border Patrol Agents Who Lose Jobs Because Of Whip Controversy: ‘ I Will Hire You’

While many were outraged when pictures of border patrol agents using whips on Haitian migrants surfaced, Texas Governor Greg Abbott felt compelled to offer those same agents jobs.

Earlier this week, he told @foxnews, ”You have a job in the state of Texas. I will hire you to help Texas secure our border.”

He then continued to say that the pictures were of the agents maneuvering horses, not whipping people. “The person who took those pictures said that the characterization that the Democrats have made about the Border Patrol using them as whips, whipping people who were coming across the border is false. They were simply maneuvering horses,” Abbott expressed.

This comes after the White House said the alleged use of the whips is ‘not acceptable.’

According to Reuters, images of Border Patrol agents on horseback appearing to use whips on migrants returning from Mexico after buying food surfaced Monday. The White House said the images, shot by journalist Paul Ratje, are unacceptable and not appropriate.

“I have seen some of the footage. I don’t have the full context. I can’t imagine what context would make that appropriate,” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters. “I don’t think anyone seeing that footage would think it was acceptable or appropriate.”

Additionally, Psaki called footage of the incident “horrible to watch” but added, “we just have to get more information on that” before she could comment further.

When asked if the agent should be fired, Psaki said, “Of course they should never be able to do it again.”

Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas was also asked about the photo and said the reporter who asked him about the whip was “assuming the facts,” suggesting the agent might have been holding a long rein.

Roomies, what do you think of this?

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