The bad moment that 6 Argentines lived in Punta del Este

Six Argentines lived through a very bad time and had to be rescued after being dragged by the sea in Punta del Este, Uruguay. The event was recorded this Friday as a result of an unusual return current in the Playa Brava area, which affected them while they were bathing in the sea. After being rescued, two of them had to be hospitalized.

According to instructions El País de Uruguay, the lifeguards of Maldonado carried out a multiple rescue before the tense moment that surprised the people who were on the beach.

Of the people assisted, two were transferred to the Mautone Sanatorium and were hospitalized for observation. It is a 20-year-old woman and a 23-year-old man, both of Argentine nationality. The rest “is in good condition,” reported the Uruguayan media.

In addition, the lifeguards rescued a surfer during the same day, who had also been affected by the same current that complicated the Argentine tourists.


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