The BAG stops the campaign with the fail videos

“Smarter than fireworks in your pants: the corona vaccination”

YouTube / BAG

With so-called fail videos the Federal Office of Public Health tried to get youngsters to be vaccinated. Now the campaign ends again after a few weeks.

The Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) does not continue an advertising campaign for the Covid vaccination with so-called fail videos. According to the BAG, this corresponds to the original plan. This step was not a reaction to public criticism.

The BAG had only started the “Really” campaign in mid-September. Videos on social media showed people who were doing something wrong – like a young man sticking a fireworks up his pants. The declared aim of the campaign was to take away the fear of the Covid vaccination among young people.

The fail videos are from the beginning BAG spokesman Gregor Lüthy announced on Thursday at the request of the Keystone-SDA news agency. They would not be replaced, but instead replaced as planned by the next communication measure.

The FOPH does not consider the fail videos to be a failure: you had picked up current trends with which the target group was familiar and had been widely received, said Lüthy.

In the future The following applies: “Better to get vaccinated”

In future, the FOPH will call for “Better to get vaccinated.” »To convince young people of the vaccination. It is the answer to a number of rhetorical questions: “After every Chilbi in quarantine?” or “Have it tested before every exit?” The Federal Office presented the relevant subjects on Monday.

According to BAG spokesman Lüthy, the costs for the “Really” – Campaign with the fail videos for around 230,000 francs. This includes the costs of distribution.

In the “Better to be vaccinated” campaign, the federal government does not only rely on the social media, but also on posters and advertisements on screens in public places. The BAG anticipates costs of around 1.14 million francs.

SDA / uri

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