The Batman: Zoë Kravitz (Catwoman) gives a lot of information

Batman is the most popular of the DC Comics publisher characters. The Dark Knight has had several film adaptations, played by Michael Keaton, Christian Bale and Ben Affleck. Soon, Robert Pattinson will appear as Bruce Wayne in Matt Reeves’ The Batman. A younger version of the character and the promise of a feature film with an approach in the spirit of the detective’s early adventures. The Batman will cross the path of several supervillains but also that of Selina Kyle, alias Catwoman, played by Zoe Kravitz. And while the FC FanDome is being held soon, the actress delivers a shower of information on the future feature film.

In an interview relayed by ComicBook , Zoë Kravitz talks about the pressure and expectations associated with The Batman.

Credit: Warner Bros.

The actress also speaks Matt Reeves’ work as a filmmaker and screenwriter.

Also read: The film The Batman will be entitled to a spin-off series dedicated to the Penguin

Zoë Kravitz did not think about the reception of the fans on the set

Zoë Kravitz is chatty about The Batman while the film has been postponed several times, pandemic obliges. The actress explains not having thought of the fans while making the film, justifying that the pressure would prevent her from perfectly playing Selina Kyle.

The actress reveals that Matt Reeves “wrote a story really exciting with a complex character, deep relationships. All I wanted to do was honor this story. ”

The interpreter of Catwoman believes that The Batman was shot“ like an independent film ”, moving away from“ the blockbusters with feeling like the puppet of a big machine. ”

Zoë Kravitz describes Matt Reeves as a picky director and a production“ with heart, soul, thoughtfulness in the process of creating each scene. ”

For the actress, the whole team lived in a bubble, in particular because of the coronavirus. But the latter does not regret anything: “It was an incredible experience, spending a year of her life is very physically demanding. I had to be in good shape, I get a suit every day at 7 am, I work 12 hours, I go home and I work out. It’s intense. ”

The Batman will be released on March 2, 2022 .

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