The beautiful prophecy calls for the hearts of the people, but who will listen to the prophecies if the hearts of the people are turned away?

Position Blog

The Financial Secretary suddenly issued the “Report on the Business Environment in Hong Kong”. Some people regarded it as the platform for Secretary Chen Maobo to run for the election of the Chief Executive. The point is, instead, the whole report, from thoughts, topics to details, is similar to Beijing’s Hong Kong mouthpiece newspapers. It reflects Beijing’s thinking of ruling Hong Kong. The financial leadership of the Special Administrative Region has all been “brained”. Sooner or later, others are vying to follow suit. In the future, who will be selected as the chief executive of Beijing will be inseparable from the number of governance and development guidelines set by it.

The three parts of “Business Report” discuss the past of Hong Kong , Present and future. In the past, part of the official statement was repeated, accusing the “dark violence” of lawlessness, and the United States creating chaos that paralyzed Hong Kong in the second half of 2019. However, the article said that the anti-government movement has intensified, and there is no mention of the wrong changes by the SAR authorities. “Sending laws to China” is the short-term reason, and Beijing’s tightening of Hong Kong’s autonomy is the long-term cause. Of course, it does not mention police violence and the public grievances and hatred provoked by the authorities’ ignorance of police violence.

The status quo part of the big book special book “Minato National Security Law” and How to change the electoral system (“perfect” the electoral system) to bring chaos in Hong Kong and restore the economy to normal, but the whole article ignores the “National Security Law” under which citizens have a great distrust of the government, civil society is destroyed, and a large number of Hong Kong people are free due to freedom With the narrowing of space and migration to other places, Hong Kong seems to be no different from many third world countries, and the state of civil freedom is regarded as having nothing to do with the business environment.

Finally, it is to predict the coming of a beautiful new world. Facing the world, Hong Kong will certainly develop into an international financial, commerce and headquarters center as long as it takes advantage of its original advantages and backs to the motherland. However, Hong Kong must choose the former between China and the United States. What is the impact? (For example, the United States does not regard Hong Kong as an independent tariff District), and even how the tense Sino-US relations have weakened Hong Kong’s international status in recent years. The report also turned a blank paper.

The theme of the official promotional items comes first. But you can’t talk to yourself and make no mistake, otherwise the effect will only be counterproductive. About six adults in Hong Kong support the anti-regular movement, and more than four adults have given Chief Executive Carrie Lam a zero score for a long time, which shows that there is a deep gap between the government and the people. The “Business Report” completely ignores this group of mainstream citizens. It has neither reviewed the government’s responsibility for the anti-regulation campaign nor independently investigated the police violence. It cannot change the existing views of the six adults, and the arguments and narratives have not been changed. After passing the word, I believe the other four adults also think it is a cliché. In other words, if the Huangsi citizens believe that the government only seeks to whitewash themselves and replace facts with official discourses, and has no intention of restoring the relationship between officials and the people with the truth, or even expanding the object of struggle, they can be classified as enemies and settle accounts at any time after the fall.

Maybe the government cares about repairing relations with six adults, but the method is wrong. The government must be confident that Hong Kong will have unlimited opportunities as long as it is backed by the country, and it will definitely enter the golden age. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you don’t accept the government’s political discourse. The economy can overwhelm everything, and the good “money path” can wash away political memories. Great economic beauty is in front. It is better for everyone to work hard, get rich together, and put aside political contradictions. After the Nine Democracy Movement in mainland China, when the official suppression of the pro-democracy movement was armed to the teeth, many enthusiasts took advantage of the second economic reform, politics lay flat, and went to the sea to create wealth.

Exchange economic benefits for political stability, not to mention other things, first of all You can’t talk about it on paper. Ten years from now, no one can say for sure whether Hong Kong will experience substantial economic growth year after year, as in mainland China in the 1990s. Even today, the SAR government encourages Hong Kong people to start businesses and find jobs in the Greater Bay Area, and has drawn away local funds and talents. How can it benefit the Hong Kong economy? It has never heard SAR officials provide economic arguments and analysis.

When the development of the Greater Bay Area does not necessarily promote the growth of Hong Kong, Hong Kong The current economic situation is also doing well (real GDP increased by 7.6% in the second quarter and the unemployment rate dropped to 4.7%). The attractiveness of jobs in the Greater Bay Area is that the SAR government subsidizes more than half of the salary. The Hong Kong economy is still full of vitality. It is really doubtful that there is a need for rapid transformation and full investment in the Greater Bay Area.

The strange thing is that when everything is still being planned, more It is difficult to assert that the Greater Bay Area is equal to the utopia of Hong Kong, and that mainland China is destined to be the benefactor of a golden age in Hong Kong that has never appeared. Therefore, Huang Si Hong Kong people cannot refuse the temptation and have to turn their minds to look at the money?

But in Hong Kong, the government has used the prophesied world in exchange for the hearts of the people, It can only be a misunderstanding. When the economic miracle has not yet occurred, if the government is to successfully make Hong Kong people feel that they are the beneficiaries of the miracle, a large number of citizens must obey the government’s words. However, the SAR authority, which has long-term negative popularity, and the content of the report is also very popular and there are many omissions. To ensure the smooth launch of the “Business Report”, what else can we expect from the public?

Originally published on Radio Free Asia

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