The British began to fight in front of the gas stations, the government appeals to the Army to overcome the crisis

The crisis of drivers in Great Britain has emptied the tanks, and the drivers who are queuing for kilometers have started to fight in front of the petrol stations. Meanwhile, the government has announced it will mobilize soldiers to help transport fuel to gas stations.

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The UK fuel crisis has brought unimaginable scenes to the streets of the UK just a few months ago. Desperate to refuel their cars after standing in line for miles, the British ended up fighting in front of the pumps. However, the government says the situation is improving as it continues to look for solutions to overcome the crisis. left pumps without fuel in major cities after oil companies warned they did not have enough tankers to transport petrol and diesel from refineries to gas stations.

The Minister of Affairs, Kwasi Kwarteng, stated that 150 soldiers have been mobilized, who will lead the tanks in a few days.

“The last few days have been difficult, we have seen queues big. But I think the situation is stabilizing, we get to the gas stations with gas. I think we can do it, “said Kwarteng.

The British have started fighting in front of gas stations. Horror Scenes

Prime Minister Boris Johnson tried to allay concerns, saying supplies had returned to normal, while urging people not to panic. A shortage of about 100,000 drivers has wreaked havoc on supply chains and raised the specter of empty shelves and rising Christmas prices.

Asked if he can guarantee that there will be no problems ahead of time. crowded retail, Kwarteng said: “I do not guarantee anything. All I’m saying is that the situation, I think, is stabilizing. ” without fuel. PRA accounts for about two-thirds of the UK’s 8,380 petrol stations

Shortages have brought chaos to the world’s fifth-largest economy, leaving gaps on supermarket shelves. Rising European wholesale gas prices have also led to the bankruptcy of energy companies.

The UK left the EU single market earlier this year, preventing carriers from recruiting drivers from the bloc. community. To address the shortage of staff, the government said it would issue temporary visas for 5,000 foreign drivers , a measure it had ruled out. previous.

Petrol wars # Welling # shell knives out # worldsgonemad

– # TeamAlfie🇸🇴 (@TeamalfieGolf) September 27, 2021

Crazy Fighting over fuel in Epping .. / vNBqrMUSLQ

– London & UK Crime (@CrimeLdn) September 27, 2021

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