“The China under the propaganda of foreign media is at least 20 years away from the real China now.”

“China under the propaganda of foreign media is at least 20 years away from the real China.”

In 2018, Colombian youth Jonathan received a full scholarship from Tsinghua University. After traveling to 61 countries, he dreamed of becoming the president of Colombia. When he decided to go to China, he did not know that China would become his last stop. Three years later, Jonathan walked into the recording scene of the fourth issue of the first season of “The Living Room of the Youth” to present a gift for the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The following are what he has seen, heard, and thought in more than 1,000 days and nights in China. When talking about emotions, he confessed that he had never thought of “colliding with such a China”.

Don’t hear it, go to confirm

For Colombians, going abroad means having More than the majority of people in the country. In fact, before coming to China, Jonathan did not expect much. “Frankly speaking, many Colombians don’t understand China at all, and ordinary people know only about stereotypes. China under the media propaganda is at least 20 years away from the real China.”

With such low expectations, Jonathan carried his bags. But when he traveled across the ocean and came to China in person, he found that the scene before him was very different from what he had imagined: Didn’t it mean that “Beijing pollution is raging”? Why can I always see the blue sky and white clouds? Doesn’t it mean “Chinese technology relies on plagiarism”? Why are the science and technology parks in Zhongguancun in Beijing and Shenzhen in rapid development every day, constantly creating science and technology myths? There are also mobile payment, aerospace high-speed rail, and infrastructure. One is newer and more shocking.

What I saw and felt after coming to China made Jonathan feel a great culture shock: It turned out that this is Greater China.

Walking into the campus of Tsinghua University, Jonathan felt that he was one step closer to his dream. In the classroom, Jonathan studied international affairs and finance eagerly. Outside of the classroom, he witnessed the entrepreneurial journey of many Tsinghua students. “The young people in China have ideas and ambitions. Groups of classmates around me start companies to help China’s environment become better. This kind of ambition and vitality is something I rarely see in other countries. “Studying at Tsinghua University gave me the opportunity to meet people I would never have seen in my life. After coming to China, I felt it for the first time. It turns out that everything is possible in life.”

The more you understand, the more you love

Like most young people in the world, Jonathan was full of confusion about the future three years ago “Who am I? What kind of person will I be?” During his three years in China, he cleared the fog and saw the direction of the future. By the time he graduated from university, his footprints had spread to 61 countries. His rich travel experience and international vision made him realize that if he wants to become an entrepreneur in the future, he will definitely deal with China, and the power of China must not be ignored. Jonathan has also traveled to several cities in China, such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc. His brightly lit high-rise buildings in the evening and his fast-developing high-tech technology have made him clearly aware that “China is the future”.

The more he understands China, the more Jonathan admires China’s development speed and technological power. This also made him decide that he must go to work in an Internet company after graduation. This is another starting point for Jonathan in China. The Chinese corporate culture, international vision, and the personal charm of its founders made Jonathan decide to stay to learn, grow, and develop. Through his learning and gains in Tsinghua, combined with his Colombian background, he was able to flex his muscles in the Latin American overseas business of a Chinese technology company. After personally participating in the business between China and Latin America, he further thought about how to better promote the contact and cooperation between China and Latin American countries.

“The pace of China’s development will never slow down, I can feel it in many places. Under such a trend, you can learn a lot along with it, and you will grow more. “

“There are many places in Latin America where you can learn from China, such as technology, the Internet, start-ups, etc. However, it is a pity that Latin Americans now have very limited understanding of China. They travel, China is generally not regarded as a destination. This is why it is necessary for people like us to pass back what they have seen in China and let them know China’s tremendous development and infinite potential over the years.”

It is also because of Latin America’s stereotypes and one-sided understanding of China, which makes Jonathan feel the need to carry the banner of China-Latin America exchanges. From this moment on, Jonathan regarded the promotion of exchanges and integration between the two regions as his biggest responsibility.

Emphasize exchanges to promote development

When talking about the new direction of exchanges between the two countries, Jonathan believes that there is an urgent need Only by letting more Latin Americans understand China and breaking the stereotype of China can we promote better cooperation between the two sides. To achieve this, the promotion of scholarships for studying in China is an important step: “Getting a scholarship and coming to China is an important turning point in my life. Coming to China to study and work has changed my life, and I understand more clearly What kind of person do I want to be and what kind of career I want to achieve.”

“So, I talked to the Colombian ambassador to China before and gave scholarships to Colombian students so that they could study Chinese and come here. Studying in China is a good way to promote it.”

“Before we had 100 scholarships, but we were all dissatisfied. The young people in Colombia felt that it was meaningless to come to China. But then we passed through us. The number of people who signed up for scholarships to study in China has far exceeded 100.”

Looking at the future cooperation between China and Colombia, Jonathan believes that it will get better and better:

“In the next five years, the trade cooperation between China and Colombia will continue to improve. If three years ago, in Colombia, you could not find the infrastructure invested or built by Chinese companies. But now the capital of Bogota, Colombia The subways are all built by Chinese companies. This is a great progress.”

“For a community with a shared future for mankind, my understanding is that China will not develop as an independent country, but It will drive other countries to prosper together. I also firmly believe that China and Colombia will cooperate more and more closely.”

From 2018 to now, this is Jonathan’s third year in China. But this is only the beginning of the story of Jonathan and China. In his eyes, China is the ideal destination for studying, working, and starting a business. He hopes to realize his ultimate dream after absorbing enough nutrients in China.

“In China, I will stay for 5 years, 10 years, then start a business, own a large company of my own, and hope to become a millionaire, even a billionaire. If I already have a certain economy Strength, I will definitely participate in the presidential campaign of Colombia. This has always been my biggest dream.”

Running for president may be out of reach for others, but for Jonathan who sees the future in China In short, all this is not a mirage. In his view, China’s one-year development speed has exceeded the average development of the outside world in three years. After studying and working in China for three years, he has already gained experience and abilities that far exceed those of his peers in China. In this land, there are not only a solid economic foundation, cutting-edge technology, but also countless opportunities. In this hot land, there are treasures everywhere, and everything is possible. The future is here and the general trend is set. Seize the opportunity and meet the challenge, both for Jonathan and for China.

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