The coronavirus is raging in the world, infectious records are being broken

The Romanian government has decided to set up treatment centers to relieve hospitals

decided to set up outpatient Covid centers to assess patients with mild or asymptomatic coronavirus infections and to prescribe medicines for home treatment to relieve the burden on hospital admissions

According to a resolution passed at Thursday’s government meeting, anyone in Romania will receive care at Covid treatment centers without a referral from a GP if they have passed a coronavirus test, whether or not they are included in the national registry of the health authorities called “Corona Forms”. with health insurance.

According to the government decision, the costs of these health services will be covered by the National Health Insurance Fund under a framework contract with Covid treatment centers (expected to be set up by hospitals).

Examination and treatment correspond to a one-day hospital referral and are used in cases that do not require continuous hospitalization, but also allow those who remain in home isolation to have access only to hospitals. used for antiviral drugs. The health minister has previously indicated that they are hoping to relieve the burden of emergency care from the measure, they want to avoid congestion in the hospital admissions department as it did again during the fourth wave of the epidemic last autumn.

Meanwhile, the fifth wave is steep: in Romania, the daily number of cases approached ten thousand on Thursday. The 9,785 new infections diagnosed in the last 24 hours are nearly 240 percent higher than the average for the past two weeks, and the 34 new deaths are more than ten percent higher than the two-week moving average. The burden on the health system rose nearly 40 percent in a week: 3,272 coronavirus-infected people were treated in hospital on Thursday. The number of serious cases treated in intensive care increased by ten percent in one week to 441.


The gene mutation responsible for the severe course of Covid-19 has been identified in Poland

A gene mutation that is relatively common in the local population responsible for the severe course of Covid-19 has been identified in Poland, and a screening test for use in hospitals is being developed, he said at a news conference on Thursday. Adam Niedzielski, Polish Minister of Health.

Researchers at the University of Medicine in Bialystok, eastern Poland, have shown a link between a certain gene mutation on chromosome 3 and the severity of Covid-19 as a result of a project launched a year and a half ago. at a press conference.

This genetic change is the fourth most important risk factor for Covid-19 after older age, obesity, and masculinity. Scientists say the presence of a gene mutation poses a greater risk than the presence of chronic comorbidities.

The discovery will lead to a genetic test to identify patients at risk of severe, intensive or even fatal Covid-19 disease, Niedzielski said.

Radoslaw Sierpinski, President of the Polish State Medical Agency, who also spoke at the conference, said that genetic testing could be available to hospitals in Poland within a few months.

Professor Marcin Moniuszko, head of the scientific project, explained that similar research is being carried out in other countries, that the gene mutation identified in Poland is significant for the Polish population, as it may affect 14% of the Polish population. in other countries it is present in 8-9 percent of the population.

In India, on the other hand, the frequency is estimated at 27%, while its presence in East Asian and South American societies is negligible, the professor said.

In this context, he emphasized that it was important for each country to carry out its own genetic testing, and that the results of similar foreign research could not be transferred directly to the Polish environment.


France re-authorizes vaccinated British

France has lifted restrictions on a coronavirus outbreak Vaccinees from the UK will be free to re-enter from Friday, said Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Member of the Government for Tourism

. “the politician said in an interview with TV5 Monde on Thursday. “For those vaccinated, the 48-hour quarantine will also end. Once again, you can enter the UK for leisure activities, come skiing,” he added.

However, the restriction will remain for non-vaccinated persons who are still allowed to enter France from the United Kingdom for urgent reasons.

The Communication from the Prime Minister’s Office also states that “all arrivals from the United Kingdom, whether or not they have been vaccinated, must present a negative PCR not older than 24 hours. or antigen) test “.

In mid-December, the government banned free entry from the UK due to the spread of the omicron variant, from which it was only possible to enter France in recent weeks.

Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne recalled that 15% of the audience in French ski resorts was British. He added that before the epidemic, 90 million foreign tourists came to France every year, the government expects half of that this year.

According to the government member, this winter’s season started well in the ski areas, with an 8 percent decline compared to the year before the epidemic in 2019, but in some places, such as the Pyrenees, which are mainly visited by domestic audiences. A -30 percent improvement can be expected compared to 2019.

“The situation is more complicated in some large ski resorts in the Alps, which are mainly visited by foreigners, mainly the British,” the government member acknowledged. “With today’s decision, I hope we will catch up. In the first week of January, 5 percent more people arrived than in 2019, thanks to the Belgians and the Dutch,” he added.


Prepare for an omicron wave that can rewrite everything: you need to know about omicron symptoms, treatment, quarantine rules, effectiveness of tests and vaccines

Infection with the omicron variant is almost inevitable, and it is almost impossible to prevent it from spreading, Gergely Gulyás, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, said at Thursday’s Government Information. The omicron variant of the coronavirus could bring a record number of cases, but even the end of the epidemic, experts say. The fastest-spreading virus in history has already become dominant in Hungary. Here’s what you need to know about omicron symptoms, omicron treatment, omicron wave quarantine rules, and the effectiveness of tests and vaccines in the omicron field

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More than a quarter of a million active viruses are registered in Israel

More than a quarter of a million active coronavirus carriers are registered in Israel, and nearly fifty thousand new infections were found on Wednesday in the fifth wave of the particularly rapidly spreading omicron variant, the Israeli Health Service said. The website of the ministry on Thursday.In Israel, with a population of about 9.4 million, there is already a significant feeling in the emptied roads and community spaces that masses are in quarantine. Currently, 258,664 people with active coronavirus and 165,550 infected are under house quarantine.

The fifth wave of the epidemic is also strong in the Israeli parliament, in Knesset. Fourteen lawmakers are in quarantine out of one hundred and twenty, six from the coalition ranks and eight from the opposition ranks.

On Thursday, the record number of nearly fifty thousand 48,095 new coronavirus infections was registered for the fourth day in a row, with more than 400,000 tests performed on Wednesday. The rate of positive tests was 11.97 percent.

It is reassuring that the still extremely high infection rate has fallen further, from 1.91 at 2.12 four days ago. This means that it will pass the virus to 100 infected 191 people, indicating further rapid spread of the omicron virus variant.

Of the 879 people in need of hospital care, 283 are severely ill and 65 need a ventilator. All of the nine most severe patients connected to an ECMO device are unvaccinated.

1 669 629 people have been registered by the authorities since the outbreak, according to the Ministry of Health. The vast majority of the country, 226 settlements, are already in the “red” or highly infected, 18 moderately infected or “orange” category, 16 “yellow” settlements with low levels of the coronavirus and only 20 places classified as “green”. , so they are hardly or not at all infected.

Since the end of December last year, 6,657,395 people over the age of five in Israel, 71.59 percent of the country’s population, have been vaccinated at least once with the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine. At 4,370,217, 47 percent of the population has already received three vaccinations. Of those over the age of 60 and members of vulnerable groups, 468,699 have already received the fourth, or second, booster vaccination in the country.

8290 people have died of SARS-CoV-2 disease in Israel in the last seven days since February last year.


According to Békássy, herd immunity is not far off

Over time, the coronavirus may also be a disease in the same category as the flu, in which case it would be up to the examining GP to decide how long the patient should not go into the community, said Szabolcs Békássy, national collegiate chief GP.

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May be lightened German quarantine regulations

In Germany, recipients of the booster vaccine do not have to be quarantined from Saturday if they were in contact with coronavirus-infected people, Szabolcs Dobson pointed out in a Facebook post, citing a German newspaper. infected people – he drew attention to Szabolcs Dobson’s Facebook post, citing a German newspaper

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PAHO: omicron may become dominant in the Americas

“Although the delta still causes infections on the continent, on the basis of current trends, omicron appears to be the dominant variant in the region, “Carissa Etienne said in a virtual press conference, Director of the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to PAHO, the number of registered coronavirus infections on the continent almost doubled on 8 January: while 3.4 million cases were registered on 1 January, a week later the figure was 6. , Increased to 1 million.

The number of cases in the period under review is 250% higher than in the same period last year, when 2.4 million infections were reported. In the first week of the year, the number of deaths caused by the virus rose 31 percent from the previous week.

However, it was pointed out that although the increasing number of cases is putting more pressure on health care systems, vaccination has not led to an increase in Covid-19-related deaths.

The variant has so far been detected in 42 of the 56 countries and territories in the region.

Most infections were reported from the United States and the number of cases increased in Canada. Within the Caribbean, the situation is worst in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, and in South America, the number of registered infections has also jumped in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.

Research has shown that omicrone can infect vaccinees as well as those who have ever had the disease. However, several studies suggest that the variant is thought to cause less severe symptoms than the delta mutation and that the vaccine and booster still provide strong protection.

However, PAHO warned that omicrone could still be dangerous to unvaccinated and weakened immune systems and urged that vaccination campaigns be continued.

Although almost 60 percent of the population in South America and the Caribbean is fully vaccinated, in about 10 countries this proportion has still not reached the World Health Organization (WHO) target of 40% by the end of 2021. percentage target.


Coronavirus: Thursday has arrived morning Hungarian data

9216 new infections have been confirmed in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of identified infections to 1 318 093 since the outbreak began. 81 people have died in connection with the disease, the government portal reported . As a result, the number of deaths rose to 40,164. The epidemic is still in its infancy, with 2,647 patients with coronavirus being hospitalized, 249 of whom are on ventilators.

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The French Senate has adopted amendments to the

The French Senate adopted a bill on the vaccination certificate to replace the protection certificate against the coronavirus with amendments on Wednesday evening

The final version of the proposal is expected to be decided by two houses of parliament on Thursday. If no compromise solution is found, the text is returned to the National Assembly for a second reading.

The right-wing opposition majority upheld the text by 242 votes to 69, with 31 abstentions, which the National Assembly voted in first reading last week.

Senators have included in the text that the vaccination certificate will be automatically revoked as soon as the number of infected people in hospital falls below 10,000. There are currently 24,000 in hospital.

A bill passed by the National Assembly requires the use of the certificate from the age of 12, but would be mandatory at school events only from the age of 16, but senators have decided it will only take effect from the age of 18. , those between the ages of 12 and 18 must continue to present the security certificate used so far in public places.

The document certifying protection against the virus (vaccination certificate or negative test not older than 24 hours) must currently be presented in public places for at least 50 people, including catering premises, including terraces, on trains and coaches, in sports facilities, in hospitals, as well as in cultural institutions, cinemas, theaters, concert halls. According to the bill, only those who receive three vaccinations will be able to enter these places freely in the future, those who have one or two doses of vaccination will have to pass a negative test in addition to their vaccination certificate, and those who are not vaccinated will not be able to use the services.

Outbreaks of the omicron variant, which account for almost three quarters of new infections, are currently on the rise in France. The number of cases per day broke another record with 368,000 cases uncovered on Tuesday, 361,000 new cases were reported on Wednesday, but health minister Olivier Véran on France Info on Wednesday believed the actual daily number of cases could be between half and one million. According to the head of the ministry, the fifth wave is now peaking in terms of the number of cases, and a decrease in the number of cases detected per day is expected soon.

There are 24,000 people in hospitals caring for it, up from 20,000 last week, 4,000 of whom are in the intensive care unit, but a significant majority of the latter are still infected with the delta variant, according to health authorities. It has also been pointed out that patients infected with the omicron variant require hospital care for a shorter period of time than patients infected with the delta variant. In the complications of Covid-19, 126,000 were killed.

Primary school workers, meanwhile, have announced a strike on Thursday over new epidemiological measures in primary schools, which they believe are impossible to implement. The main union, SNUipp-FSU, says three-quarters of teachers will be out of work and half of the schools will not open.

The government announced on Monday that if a student’s coronavirus test in a class is positive, it is no longer necessary to close the class, but all students in the class will be required to take three self-tests in four days. under their supervision. The tests are free, but parents must inform the school in writing of the results. In case of positive results, it is the responsibility of the schools to organize additional screenings (PCR or antigen tests) for the students.

According to SNUipp-FSU, the new rules do not simply not protect pupils, workers and their families, but create even more chaos in schools where “in the current circumstances, pupils do not they can learn properly, it is impossible to implement a hybrid system between attendance and distance learning “. The communication also drew attention to the fact that the fact that there are not enough substitute teachers to replace those who have stayed at home due to illness also creates an unsustainable situation.

Prime Minister Jean Castex said in the National Assembly on Tuesday that two per cent of primary school classes, 10,400 classes, are closed because more pupils are infected. Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of Education, said 50,000 of the 12 million students were currently infected


Omicron variant: Danes see encouraging signs, relax on coronavirus restrictions

Some restrictions imposed in Denmark following the coronavirus epidemic have been relaxed despite the high number of new infections. The Danish government said on Wednesday that zoos, amusement parks, museums, art halls and other similar facilities could reopen from Sunday. Cinemas and theaters can accommodate up to five hundred spectators. However, in many places a vaccination card must be presented to enter.

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People have become embroiled in the epidemic: whoever wants to go sets off

Compared to 3 years ago, far fewer people go abroad on holiday at the beginning of the year, but those who want to travel are getting used to the emergency and whoever wants to go adaptation to the often changing epidemiological situation. According to travel agencies, many people are starting to get bogged down in more and more waves of coronavirus, so more and more people are taking it. One of the largest discount airlines is also expecting a good year, despite the fact that the omicron variant is holding back the business climate for the time being.

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