The county in Romania that builds a landfill for garbage. Everything will be at European level

Not infrequently, in Romania, the problem of garbage has been indicated, often stored in rural areas right on the waterfront or near households. In order to enter the world in this regard, the county in Romania, which surprised with unexpected news at the very beginning of the year, announced that it is building a landfill for garbage. The project will be financed with European funds

Which is the county in Romania where a landfill is built

The year 2022 comes with good news for the inhabitants of a county in Romania, where the authorities have announced that a landfill is being built, in accordance with the ecological norms. Thus, after a wait of over ten years, in Buzău will be started the arrangement of an ecological landfill for household waste. This ambitious investment is part of the new Master household waste management plan , which Buzău County Council has implemented with European money. The members of the County Council approved a project in the last meeting of 2021, which concerns the land on which the ecological landfills are to be arranged. It seems that the ramps would be organized at the edge of Poșta Câlnău commune.

When the project would be completed. What other benefits will the people of Buzau have

The news is all the better as all the localities in the county have agreed to implement the Master Plan and are already registered in the Intercommunity Development Association. The people of Buzau could benefit from this space for storage of household waste in a short time. The project, funded by the European Commission, would be implemented in a maximum of two years. In addition to the development of an ecological landfill for household waste, the Master Plan for the management of household waste also provides for the arrangement of a mechanical-biological treatment plant. Also, a waste composting station as well as a waste sorting station are to be arranged in the territory of Poşta Câlnău commune.

The county authorities have tried in the past to develop a space for garbage. Reason for failure

The initiative of the county authorities from Buzău is not the first attempt to organize and develop a space for garbage storage. Ten years ago, the representatives of the county authorities tried to implement a master plan for waste management.

It was also to be financed with European funds. Unfortunately, the approach was one that failed to pass the test. At that time, several mayors decided to withdraw from the project. As a result, European funding has been suspended. Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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