The digital television program in Cuba includes subsidized support for family nuclei

As part of the first stage of partial transition to digital terrestrial television in Cuba, which provides between November 30 and December 15, 2021, the output through the analog signal of the Educativo and Educativo 2 channels, from For this year, from Pinar del Río to Matanzas, the national industry has secured 400,000 digital television receivers, reported Yamile Hernández Fernández, vice president of Copextel.

Likewise, about 42,000 households in these provinces They will receive, in a subsidized way, a module that includes the box, the antenna, the downspout and the connectors, based on the survey carried out by specialists from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and our company, he added.

To date, he specified, around 11,000 teams have already been delivered and the projection is to complete those assisted before the scheduled date, although in some territories, such as Pinar del Río, it has been made difficult due to the current epidemiological situation.

He highlighted that the design of the strategy also guarantees the installation of receiving equipment in 100% of the schools – about 19,300 centers – for That this way the students do not stop receiving the teleclasses.

He clarified, however, that the exit of Educativo y Educativo 2 by the analog signal does not mean that the programming of these channels is lost, but that It will be included in the grid of others, so that the population that does not yet have set-top boxes can enjoy and access these contents.

The program for the implementation of digital terrestrial television in the country It is a process of change or technological leap that, in addition to being in line with the world trend, is necessary to eradicate the technological obsolescence of the radiocommunication network, the high energy consumption, and free the 700 MHZ band for the deployment of the 4G, according to Group d e Institutional Communication of the company Radiocuba.

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