The double-edged attributes of Sage 50 Quantum

Brandon, 8 Oct 2021, ZEXPRWIRE, Sage 50 Quantum Accounting provides for an effective and powerful accounting platform especially for manufacturing businesses.

Sage 50 Quantum Accounting enables you to manage all aspects of your business including accounting, customers, inventory, services, jobs, and employees—all in one centralized system. Compared to mid-market solutions, Sage 50 Quantum Accounting offers a lower total cost of ownership: Sage 50cloud Quantum is the more powerful of the Sage family but according to user reviews, the software seems to have an out-dated interface, does not actively support online bill-pay accounts, has limited remote access on the application and has a challenging software installation process.

For more than 38 years, Sage, formerly Peachtree Accounting, has served and supported small businesses. With Sage 50 Quantum Accounting 2021, businesses maintain the power to easily manage accounting, customers, inventory, services, jobs and employees all in one centralized system. It takes pride in the tools that it offers that account for improved speed and intelligence reporting to monitor business performance.stem. It offers depth of functionality, tools for greater profitability, improved speed and database, and intelligence reporting to monitor your business performance.

“Although Sage 50 Quantum provides for secure and reliable software with the flexibility of online and cloud applications as needed, it could also incur a significant increase in overall costs,” E-Tech’s John Rocha said. “Downgrading Sage 50 Quantum data file to Sage 50 Pro or Premium can be a significant cost saving measure over yearly recurring fees for Sage 50 Quantum.”

When it comes to costs, Sage One Start costs $10 per month and is ideal for start-up businesses, Sage One Accounting costs $25 a month, ideal for growing businesses needing integrations, Sage 50cloud Accounting Pro comes at a price of $56.08 per month for one user and is ideal for solopreneurs and very small businesses, Sage 50cloud Accounting Premium costs $84.58 per month per user and is preferable among accounting teams of 1 to 5, Sage 50cloud Accounting Quantum costs $139.58 per month per user and targets mostly industry-specific customizations with multiple business functionalities.

E-Tech is a leading QuickBooks consultancy service provider in North America, and offers a premium conversion service from Sage 50 Quantum to Sage 50 Pro or Premium. The service guarantees no loss of data that is usually complete and ready to go within a day or two.

For more information on this service, visit

About E-Tech

Founded in 2001, E-Tech is the leading file repair, data recovery, and data conversion services provider in the United States and Canada. The company works to stay up to date on the latest technology news, reviews, and more for their customers.

For media inquiries regarding E-Tech, individuals are encouraged to contact Media Relations Director, Melanie Ann via email at

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Contact Person : Melanie Ann

Company Name: E-Tech

Address : 136 11 th St ,Brandon, MB R7A 4J4



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