The Economist looks at the challenge of troubling art of the past, citing 1983’s ‘Trading Places’

Why is The Economist publishing a critique of an Eddie Murphy/Dan Ackroyd movie from 1983? Because although some people consider it a Christmas movie, it’s actually a New Year’s Eve movie. And a New Year’s Eve scene from the movie makes us tackle the challenge of troubling and offensive art of the past.

“Trading Places” is a Janus-faced contradiction, reaching backwards to old prejudices yet in other ways modern. It is still very funny, but not funny enough

— The Economist (@TheEconomist) January 7, 2022

The author’s name is hidden behind a paywall (perhaps on purpose?) so we’ll just have to credit it to The Economist, which reports:

… there are lots of cringe-inducing moments: racial stereotyping, explicit and vicious racism that is presented as reprehensible but played for laughs, casual homophobia, a caricature Irishman and gratuitous nudity.

Most important are the two moments when, startlingly, Mr Murphy breaks the fourth wall, looking directly at the camera and through it at the audience.

In these frames Mr Murphy’s expression is defiant, infinitely unsurprised, accusatory, coldly furious: a wordless, powerful indictment of racism—including the viewer’s. These fleeting, jolting seconds seem to belong to another movie entirely.

From this editor’s memory, the gratuitous nudity was not cringe-inducing.

— 🏴JJ ⚾ (@jeffery410) January 7, 2022

Whoever wrote this must be great fun on a night out…….

— Giac (@GiacomoG990) January 7, 2022


— Password is Taco (@pw_is_taco1) January 8, 2022

If I hadn’t already cancelled my subscription last month I’d cancel it over this.

— Chris Newbury (@cjnewbury) January 8, 2022

Trading Places was, and is, a very funny movie. Maybe try just having fun.

— Cynthia (@2pupsonice) January 8, 2022

— Sean O (@Sean_O_914) January 8, 2022

This is what people talk about when they are sitting at the dinner table trying to figure out how they’ll pay their bills

— ryan (@Ryface) January 8, 2022

I’d opt out of a byline too if I wrote this garbage

— worldtree (@PsychTypes) January 8, 2022

This tweet is pollution.

— Maimonides Nuts (@anothersanjak) January 8, 2022

It’s actually far funnier than 95% of the “comedies” produced in the last decade. But you do you.

— One Thousand Basis Points Of Light (@belize042) January 8, 2022

Still great, still fun. Offensive to whom?

— Lorenzo Ciorcalo (@rotovisor) January 7, 2022

All I know about Trading Places is it was hilariously funny in its day, is hilariously funny now, and will be hilariously funny in the years to come. End of analysis.

— Camp Freddy (@campfr3ddy) January 8, 2022

There’s a reason I muted @EconUS and I had to break the glass to read this. Ok back to mute-ville you go

— EverythingBubbleCapital™ (@AntiFragileRock) January 8, 2022


— GentlemanMuser (@GentlemanMuser) January 8, 2022

After reading the article…

— SockstheCat (@SockstheC) January 7, 2022

You. You are the problem here, not the movie.

— Ernie Wallace (@thebigern) January 8, 2022

— Mark (@foles03) January 8, 2022

Your thesis has no legs. Run along, now.

— I.G Mac (@IGMac76) January 8, 2022


— Bankers for Bernie (@BernieBankers) January 8, 2022

This is a stupid take.

— Canadian Cincinnatius (@Can_Cincinnatus) January 8, 2022

Go find something to do.

— Ben (@AndStrats) January 8, 2022

Great I’m collecting my bet that the economist would print the lamest woke analysis of a 38 year old movie.

— BearNJ (@jimbearNJ) January 8, 2022

From the article: “Today the film is offensive.”

No, it isn’t. You’re just pussies.

— Michael (@KuixoteKnows) January 8, 2022

You pussies think this is offensive? Try watching Eddie’s early stand up. You would melt faster than those Nazis at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

— Enchanted Meat (@EnchantedMeat) January 8, 2022

No kidding. Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood? Classic.


Director Paul Feig blames ‘the anti-Hillary movement’ for the spectacular cinematic failure that was Lady Ghostbusters

— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 27, 2020

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