The economy is back to growing

The rapid recovery of the Israeli economy has led to huge recruitments of AG ” H. Among local companies, with the real estate and construction sector leading with fundraising of NIS 30 billion ■ Total fundraising increased by 45% compared to 2020

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The recovery of the trade led to an increase in the recruitment of income-producing real estate companies (the photographers have no connection to the article) Hadas Porush Record raising in the capital market. Vaccination campaigns have led to a reopening of the economy and GDP growth by about 5.5% in Israel in 2021, according to Bank of Israel forecasts. Added to this is the low interest rate environment, and the result is huge sums raised by the companies in the capital market, which amounted to NIS 78 billion – according to an annual survey of the corporate bond division of the credit rating company Midroog. Along with low interest rates, corporate bond bonds will continue to be raised broadly – mainly in the income-producing real estate, residential and financial initiatives – with a expected moderation in bank and renewable energy fundraisers. Corporate bond issues in 2021 expanded by 45% compared to 2020 , So …

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