The electrical counter-reform: When you give more power to power …

The government has launched a campaign of lies in its obstinacy for the ideological necrophilia , pointing to energy statism, inoperable one of the most open economies and in a m

The President of the Republic, after having failed in his attempt to restore the electricity monopoly, first through a decree through the Ministry of Energy (SE), and later with the imposition of the National Electricity Industry Law – both stopped by the judiciary given its illegality – it is trying to escalate the matter now by translating it into the Constitution, granting the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) greater control of the electricity market, reducing the participation of private entities, eliminating the regulatory bodies of the sector and putting polluting production inputs.

The government media bombardment, accompanied by nostalgic statements to the nationalizing past, gave us The reform will give us energy back, which will benefit the poor, which will be cheaper and cleaner, which comes to do justice to the CFE after its supposed dismantling and that will pay for environmental sustainability; In short, falsehood and retrogression.

The reality is far from his statements, since the reform means de facto the annihilation of the progress obtained in the energy transition and effects on the competitiveness, quality and volume of energy in Mexico; Currently the state-owned company produces 38% of the electrical energy consumed in the country, the reform aims to increase and ensure its production to 54% of the market, giving the rest to the private companies, who will suffer the cancellation of their electricity self-generation permits and purchase and sale contracts, lacerating in passing the certainty of the country’s investment. Fulfilling the gap to the increase in electricity production of the CFE goes through the use of its obsolete facilities, which use inputs such as fuel oil and coal, both highly polluting and of higher cost, which will be transferred to citizens, either via increase in the receipt or in the subsidy, also having an inflationary impact. Do not forget that the budget is a zero-sum game, where if the subsidy is increased, other relevant areas lose. Our energy will be dirtier and more expensive.

On the other hand, experts predict new wave of blackouts throughout the country, more constant than those suffered in previous years: In 2019 there were blackouts in Yucatán, Quintana Roo and Baja California affecting almost 2 million people; In 2020, the mega blackout occurred, affecting more than 10 million in 17 states and this year they occurred in Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Coahuila and Chihuahua. All attributed to lack of maintenance and installed capacity, which they want to overload.

We are told that the CFE was “dismantled” but since the application of the energy reform For the past six-year term, the Commission presented a positive balance with ample profits, an issue stopped at the arrival of the Moreno government, to the point that the losses began the previous year, only this year they accumulate for more than 50,695 million pesos.

The once fierce critics of the authoritarian priismo, are clouded in favor of giving power to the CFE, with Manuel Bartlett to The head, who was an actor during the “Halconazo”, maker of the fraud of 88, part of the cabinet of the “neoliberal” presidents of the previous century, and whose relatives profited advantageously from the current pandemic, do we trust in giving more power to a character? as pristine as he?

Regulatory bodies such as the Energy Regulatory Commission and the National Hydrocarbons Commission , will be eliminated and their functions absorbed by the CFE and the SE, turning the government into a player and arbiter of the market. Contravening provisions of international treaties agreed by the country.

The morenista counter-reform shines for its toxicity, it is ode in contravention of the future and the sense that the world has adopted, to the historic effort of thousands of Mexicans to advance in the right direction. Its application would damage an entire generation. In all this history, if there is an act of treason, it is that of those who, based on lies and stubbornness, want to approve the harmful reform of Obrador.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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