The Electronic Wireless Show podcast S2 Episode 13: it’s time time

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Between a clock and a hard place

A lighthouse, simultaneously shining at both day and night thanks to a time-breaking tear in reality, in Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals.
Image credit: Netflix

Between the spooky reality tears of Oxenfree II: Lost Signals and the chrono-bending clue hunts of Crime O’Clockwe at the Electronic Wireless Show podcast have had time travel on the brain. Clever game mechanic, or narrative copout? Maybe both? Maybe neither? Or maybe it’s just a reason for Nate and I to gush about titan fall 2’s singleplayer campaign while Alice considers the temporal implications of save scumming. To know the answer, you yourself must travel back to the past, specifically Tuesday, when we recorded it.

Also in this episode: lightsaber noises connoting degrees of satisfaction, a bald man is sad (not me this time), and shoutouts to some of our favourite reader-created metaphors. Plus, in hardware news, I relay word of a most devious AMD Ryzen 7000 CPU faultbefore Nate hosts an appropriately time-displaced Tower of Jocularity in feudal Japan, testing our PC game knowledge through the eternal medium of haiku.

What are the best lightsaber stances in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor? Watch this video to find out.

You can listen above, or on on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcheror Pocket Casts. You can find the RSS feed hereand you can discuss the episode on our Discord channelwhich has a dedicated room for podcast chat.

Music is by Jack de Quidt.

As ever, some stories may have developed and situations changed between our Tuesday recording and the time you’re reading this.

What are we playing this week?
Alice and I have both been battling our colleagues, and sometimes each other, for control of a single Star Wars Jedi: Survivor key. Nate marks his return to the show by lamenting his inability to retire peacefully in Hitman World of Assassination (née Hitman 3).

Recommendations this week are Tau still water, Bodies Bodies Bodies and a Bonne Maman cherry & chocolate mousse.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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