The Event That Makes You Say “How Did We Lose It To Someone Else”: Train Hit The Plane In The USA [Video]

An event took place in the city of Los Angeles in the USA that will make you say, “This event definitely took place in Turkey”. The pilot of the plane, which crashed on a train track near Whiteman Airport, was rescued by the police and fire department seconds before the train crashed into the wreckage of the plane.

Yes, you heard it right, the plane was hit by a train . We are aware that Turkey is the first place that comes to mind as a location, but this incident did not come from us. Imagine an airplane pilot who survives both a plane crash and a train crash on the same day or even at the same time. This interesting event, which took place in a neighborhood in Los Angeles, USA, last Sunday, became the agenda of the social media. The pilot , who lost control due to a malfunction in his plane and could not land, crashed on the train tracks near the Whiteman Airport in Los Angeles

Just before the train crashed, police and firefighters rescued the pilot from the wreckage

As you can see in the video taken from the chest camera of a police officer who was present at the time of the incident, if the pilot had been taken out of the plane 5 seconds later , the train would probably have hit him while he was in it. The pilot’s life was saved, thanks to the quick response of the police and firefighters. He was the only passenger, as the plane was a single-seat Cessna 172 glider. This made the job of the police and firefighters easier. After the train crashed rapidly, many parts of the plane were scattered . In the video shared by The Sun, we can see other aspects of the accident by watching the videos taken by the citizens. After the crash, the part of the plane passes dangerously close to the citizen who took the video. After the incident, the pilot was taken to a hospital near the scene and according to information reported by local news outlets, he has no injuries .

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