The fourth dose is recommended for people with immunodeficiency

Adults with severe immunodeficiency are now recommended a fourth dose vaccine against covid-19.

According to the Swedish Public Health Agency, it should be taken as early as three or four months after the basic vaccination with three doses.

The time interval is shorter than for people without severe immune deficiency.

People with a weakened immune system, due to illness or treatment, respond as rule not as good on a vaccination. Antibody production may be lower or in some cases so low that antibody levels are not measurable.

For this reason, people who are 18 years and older with severe immunodeficiency since the previous three doses of vaccine against covid -19 as basic vaccination.

The need for extra protection is greater for these people, states the authority .

Folkhälsomyndigheten rekommenderar en fjärde dos till personer med immunbrist.
The Public Health Agency recommends a fourth dose for people with immunodeficiency.
Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT

The Swedish Public Health Agency has therefore now decided to recommend a refill dose, ie a fourth dose, to these patient groups:

    After three months for people with a low or non-existent antibody response or who belong to a group of patients who frequently respond significantly worse on vaccination. This applies, for example, to organ transplants, stem cell transplants, patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, myeloma, and people with chronic kidney disease in need of dialysis. After four months for others with severe immunodeficiency. () The doctor in charge of the patient decides which ones are relevant, and appropriate dose range for the individual.

    A decision on the shortened time for the interval has been made due to the extensive spread of covid-19, it is stated in the press release.


    Published: 21 January 2022 at 15.54

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