The government may set up special energy tariffs for vulnerable households

According to the Minister, this preferential tariff could affect tens of thousands of households

The government could set special reduced tariffs for households most at risk of rising energy prices. This was stated by the Minister of Economy Richard Sulík (SaS) in Sunday’s discussion program TA3 In Politics. The chairman of the non-parliamentary Hlas-SD and non-attached Member Peter Pellegrini would like to use the profits of gas companies and the Slovak Electricity Transmission System (SEPS) to reduce the impact of rising energy prices on households.

Preferential tariff

“It is possible that we will create a tariff that will be for households that are really at risk of energy poverty,” Sulík said. According to the minister, this preferential tariff could affect tens of thousands of households. Electricity and gas prices could increase in the range of 15 to 20% next year. According to Sulík, in the case of gas, it will only be a return to 2020 prices. Pellegrini blamed Sulík for not solving the situation with energy prices for the population earlier. He reminded that in 2019 they ordered the Slovak Gas Industry (SPP) not to increase prices for households. The Minister refused, saying that he had his first working meeting on this topic in August and recalled that the CAP had generated annual losses of approximately 100 million euros in recent years. According to Sulík, the current rocketing rise in gas and electricity prices on stock exchanges will affect only a small number of companies and energy suppliers, as most have signed long-term supply contracts at more favorable prices.

Lower VAT on energy

Voice-SD also wants to reduce value added tax (VAT) on energy. The Minister of Economy would support lower VAT, but reminded that the tax agenda is in the hands of the Ministry of Finance, headed by Minister Igor Matovič (OĽANO). At the same time, he confirmed that SPP will not use the maximum possible energy price set by the Office for the Regulation of Network Industries (ÚRSO). According to Sulík, the rise in the price of electricity should also be limited by the temporary abolition of the levy on the nuclear fund. According to him, the government coalition has not yet agreed on the use of funds that the state collects for emission allowances to reduce energy prices. However, these funds are managed by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Environment.

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