The Green Morocco Plan achieves the expected objectives

Ten years after its launch, the Green Morocco Plan (PMV) has achieved the ambition and the expected objectives, thus constituting an essential lever for the development of the rural world over the last decade, indicated on Tuesday. in Rabat, the Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch.

In response to a central question during the monthly plenary session devoted to general policy under the theme “The Generation Green plan and the challenges of rural development and social justice”, Mr. Akhannouch explained that “since its launch in 2008 by HM the King, the PMV has been a real mechanism for economic development. and social, in particular for the benefit of the different categories of farmers who form the bulk of the rural population. ”

He recalled that the implementation of this plan was based on two pillars, namely a first focused on the development of modern agriculture with high added value and high productivity, and a n second articulated on solidarity agriculture in fragile areas.

In this context, Mr. Akhannouch specified that economically, the agricultural gross domestic product has increased by 5.25% on an annual average, against 3.8% for the other sectors. In terms of wealth creation, it doubled from 65 billion dirhams (MMDH) in 2008 to 125 billion dirhams at the end of 2018.

The Head of Government made observe, in this sense, the contribution of the agricultural sector to national economic growth points to the tune of 17.3% during the period from 2008 to 2018, instead of the 7.3% recorded during the period 1998- 2008.

According to Mr. Akhannouch, the sector also contributes 13% of gross domestic product and 13% of exports, which in 2019 amounted to around 40 billion dirhams, i.e. 2.8 times the value recorded in 2009 (14.2 billion dirhams).

On the social level, the Head of Government underlined that the PMV has placed small and medium farmers at the center of all its programs and interventions, indicating that more than 43 billion dirhams of investments have been directed to this category. Likewise, more than 733,000 people have benefited from second pillar projects, through 989 projects mobilizing a budget of MAD 14.5 billion.

Development programs hydro-agricultural have also participated in improving the incomes of more than 190,000 small and medium farmers, realizing an added value for each irrigated hectare of between 5,000 and 10,000 dirhams per year, continued the Head of Government.

The PMV also allowed the creation of 342,000 additional jobs, as well as the increase in the number of working days per year for each worker, which went from 110 to 140 days / year , thanks to the expansion of cultivated areas, the diversification of crops and the improvement of production, he noted, stressing that the sector represents more than 72% of rural employment and contributes to the promotion of employment and income and the fight against poverty in rural areas.

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