The gym of János Selye High School has been renovated

The renovated gym was handed over in the gym of Selye János High School on Thursday, January 20 at 2 p.m. In addition, the parquet floor was renewed from the school’s budget. Thus, it was good news for both our students and teachers to be able to play sports in the “new” gym. they can also increase its effectiveness. The development cost almost 10,000 euros. We put special relics in the gym, creating a “picture hall.”

As many of our students are members of the KFC – Komárom Football Club and the VK Spartak UJS Volleyball Club in Komárom, we received a KFC calendar, a volleyball jersey with signatures, posters, and images illustrating muscle groups and workouts. We greeted our guests at the handover ceremony: dr. Attila Horváth, who financially supported the renovation of the gym, Dávid Ferencz, representing the Volleyball Club of Komárom, Béla Szüllő, the vice-president of the KFC club in Komárom and Norbert Becse, the county representative, a member of the school council. We thank everyone for their support.

Sports, regular exercise and education for a healthy lifestyle are very important for our grammar school.

Every year we finish in the second or third place among the secondary schools in Nitra County due to our excellent results in sports competitions, but unfortunately in the last two years, from March 2020, Student sports supported by the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Slovak Republic are suspended due to the epidemic. In our school, there are three physical education classes in the first and second grades instead of the required two hours per week. Anyone who exercises regularly at a young age not only reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease, but also has a positive effect on mental health. The energy invested in regular sports pays for itself in the short and long term.

(Zsuzsanna Králik / Felvidé

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