The high price that children pay for half an hour of parental peace

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“I recently worked with a three-year-old child who did not come into contact with people around him in any way and did not react to speech. When they brought her and when we had the first conversation, the worried parents did not inform me about any specifics in her upbringing and growing up. After we performed all the necessary medical tests, it turned out that the child did not have any physiological problems, and the neurologist recommended that we do a test for autism. I was also thinking of referring them to a child psychiatrist.

And then a miracle happened – during one of the next children’s visits, English classes began in the room next to us, and when he heard the first sounds children’s English songs, the child came to life, began to clap his hands and express joy. I started talking to her in English and it turned out that the child understood me perfectly. But she didn’t know her mother tongue.

Then it became clear – the child was raised by Baby Television. Every day. Her mother did not consider it important to share with me that her child spends hours in front of the TV. When I told them that they had to turn off all the devices, they looked at me in horror and said: “But then she is angry and cries for a long time and without stopping!”

The first year in the child’s in life, what a child sees becomes much more important than what he hears. If you offer him “moving pictures” during this extremely sensitive period, you should keep in mind that they are a great stimulus to his brain – unfortunately, negative.

24 frames per second. That means 24 flashes per second. For a ten-minute video, this creates 14,400 flashes. If you let a child watch for half an hour – 43,200 impulses.

The child’s brain cannot process this amount of information.

(Researchers of “screen” syndrome time ”, by scanning the brain, reveal serious abnormalities in its structure and activity in children exposed to screen effects: gray brain atrophy, impaired white brain integrity, reduced cerebral cortex thickness, impaired cognitive abilities.

This data means that placing children in front of a screen, including television, games, music videos, violates all aspects of children’s development. And that is a very high price for half an hour of parental peace…

Children are born with the ability to recognize emotions. And when a two-year-old child sees Tom hitting Jerry, when he sees that Masha has destroyed the medina house, he thinks that it’s okay, that it’s normal. We send aggressive decisions to our children instead of humanity, communication, sharing, togetherness. ”

From the book“ Smart Baby ”, Iva Alexandrova, speech therapist and author.

“Smart baby. A Guide to Early Childhood Development “is a book for current and future parents that covers the time from pregnancy to the end of the third year of a child’s life. It deals with some of the most popular myths about child development.




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