The infection drops in the Oslo school. Biggest decline for the oldest students.

Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum

Two weeks before the schools end mass testing, the infection continues to decline.

– The infection numbers have fallen since week 35. The infection among 16-19-year-olds has fallen a lot, and is now down among the rest of the groups . The 12-15-year-olds have had a slightly more gradual decline, but now it is also falling there, says infection control chief Frode Hagen about the development of infection in Oslo.

The Education Authority’s latest report shows a sharp drop in infection in the Oslo school in recent weeks.

Here they have conducted mass testing in recent weeks, where 20,000 students in high school and as many in junior high school have tested themselves twice a week. Since last week, the primary level has also been included in the mass testing.

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