The International Federation of Journalists calls for the immediate release of Egyptian journalist Abdel Nasser Salama

The International Federation of Journalists, in a statement today, Friday, called for the immediate and unconditional release of the detained Egyptian journalist Abdel Nasser Salama, who started a hunger strike a few days ago. In the statement that journalist Abdel Nasser Salama, who was arrested from his home in July 2021 and detained on terrorism charges, started a hunger strike on September 25, calling on the Egyptian authorities to drop all charges against him. He was released immediately amid concerns about the deterioration of his health.

Abdel Nasser Salama is a columnist and former editor-in-chief of the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram. He was arrested after a post on social media calling for Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to resign on Background of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam crisis.

The prominent journalist has been in pretrial detention for 3 months on charges of “financing terrorism” and “spreading false news.” The journalist is said to be held in solitary confinement in a high-security prison.

#Egypt 🇪🇬: Journalist Abdel Nasser Salama, who was arrested in July 2021 and is being held on unfounded terrorism c harges, has started a hunger strike. We urge the authorities to release him immediately amid concerns about his deteriorating health

— IFJ (@IFJGlobal) October 1, 2021

Relatives of the journalist told the International Federation of Journalists their concerns about his deteriorating physical and mental health, adding that he may not receive the medical care he needs while in prison. Moreover, the Egyptian authorities have not allowed Nasser to contact his family and lawyer since his arrest.

According to the statement of the International Federation of Journalists, Egypt is notorious for its practice of imprisoning journalists on baseless charges as a form of revenge against them for their press reports or opinions on Social media.

Journalists are often held on false charges for extended periods, with additional charges brought to justify their time in detention. The policy, which was known as “recycling,” was condemned by the International Federation of Journalists and other media organizations.

“Abdel Nasser Salama is being held solely for expressing his views and we are concerned about his current health status,” IFJ Secretary-General said. We call on the Egyptian authorities to release him immediately and unconditionally. The International Federation of Journalists will continue to press for the release of dozens of journalists detained in Egypt simply for doing their work.”

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