The internet had a field day dunking on Facebook while it’s down

In case you haven’t noticed, Facebook is down. So are Instagram and WhatsApp. Fortunately, despite some talk of a potential Twitter outage, the site is still very much alive, at least as of this writing.

After restarting my Wi-Fi and then switching to data, I decided the problem wasn’t on my end and immediately went to Twitter, both to find out what was going on and to source some of the best dunks on Facebook for your viewing pleasure.

hello literally everyone

— Twitter (@Twitter) October 4, 2021

Everyone else on the internet had the same idea, apparently.

Everybody coming to Twitter to check that what happened to WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook 😭😭#WhatsApp #instagramdown #facebookdown

— Usama Iftikhar (@usama__iftikhar) October 4, 2021

Twitter is officially the only place for posters. Now that Facebook and Instagram are out of the room, what do you think about them, really?

Hackers Warn That If Demands Aren’t Met They Will Reactivate Facebook

— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) October 4, 2021

Unfortunately, no amount of money can keep Facebook down because the issue doesn’t seem to be related to a cyberattack. If the theories about DNS problems are true, then Facebook deleted itself.

New guy at Facebook’s like:

— Joshua Stevens (@joshuastevens) October 4, 2021

Thanks, Facebook.

Facebook: we interconnect billions of people across the world through our digital platform.

Also Facebook:

— Band Aid King Dempsey: Pressure Dressing Respecter (@DempMcgee) October 4, 2021

If you still have Facebook, there’s no shame in that. Without Messenger, you’d have to show your grandma how to download Signal.

Me resorting to iMessage for the first time in years

— Megan (@Megan_Hornsby96) October 4, 2021

But just in case it’s deleted for good, maybe we should start thinking about what will fill the Facebook-sized hole left in society, and in our hearts.

I do not care about Facebook being down. I am literally a building.

— The Empire State Building (@EmpireStateBldg) October 4, 2021

For all our gripes about Facebook, let’s not forget that MySpace actually had you rank your friends. That’s an evil villain move.

who’s really behind FB and IG being down

— Iris 👾 (@Jest_Iris) October 4, 2021

Maybe we should reconsider our relationship with social media altogether. Isn’t there some other way we can keep in touch?

No WhatsApp
No Facebook
No Instagram

Bicycle messengers, let’s take it back. Your time has come again

— PAPAYE ASA 🖤 (@Papaye_Asa) October 4, 2021

Send a letter? By the time I find a stamp, Facebook will be fixed.

They’re literally trying turning it off and then on again.

— Angus Johnston (@studentactivism) October 4, 2021

Until then, I’ll be on Twitter and continuing to find the best dunks for you. And if we’re very lucky, they’ll stay down forever and we’ll finally be free of all of these sites, but that may be too much to hope for.

This is Twitter after #Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp are down #whatsappdown #facebookdown

— Harjinder Singh Kukreja (@SinghLions) October 4, 2021

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