The jury “hung up” again, Deshan left him off the list

The selector of the French national football team, Didier Deschamps, left forward Olivier Giroud from the list of players for the semi-final match of the League of Nations.

The jury is 35 years old, and on the list of scorers of the French national team it is in second place with 46 goals, which is only five less than the top scorer Thierry Henry.

The new Milan player played the last match for the national team against Switzerland in the eighth finals of the European Championship this year. Manchester United’s Anthony Martial, who did not score a single goal for his club in the new season, but was the scorer in the World Cup qualifier against Ukraine, in September.

Deshan decided to He invites brothers Lucas and Tea Hernandez, defensive and midfielder, to the selection.

– their years. I will not watch them as two brothers, but as two players “, said Deshan.

The semi-final matches of the League of Nations between Italy and Spain, ie France and Belgium are on the program on the 6th and 7th. October (in Milan and Turin.

BONUS VIDEO: Cheering and part of the atmosphere at the match between Partizan and Flora

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