“The Kuomintang polls are only 20%, Jiang Wanan has 40%!” Lai Shibao: Jiang's position is already greater than the Kuomintang

The election of nine-in-one local public officials will be held on November 26 this year, and the election of Taipei mayor has attracted much attention. According to the latest poll of “TVBS”, if Kuomintang legislator Chiang Wan-an confronts Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shi-chung and Taipei Deputy Mayor Huang Shan-shan, Jiang Wan-an’s support will reach 40%, Chen Shi-zhong 29%, Huang Shan-shan 19 %. In this regard, Kuomintang legislator Lai Shibao analyzed that the Kuomintang polls were only more than 20%, while Jiang Wanan had 40%.

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“TVBS” The latest poll results show , compared with March last year, Jiang Wanan’s support dropped by 3 percentage points, Chen Shizhong’s support dropped by 6 percentage points, and Huang Shanshan’s support increased by 7 percentage points , and gradually form a three-strong confrontation pattern, the election will be more complicated.

Lai Shibao: Jiang Wanan has non-dark blue votes

Legislator Zeng Mingzong accepts “China Review Press” said in an interview that Jiang Wanan’s current public opinion polls are relatively high, but the election battle is changing rapidly, and he will make the best preparations.

Lai Shibao accepts When visiting China Review Press said that the Kuomintang now supports only 20%, and Jiang Wanan has 40%. It can be seen that Jiang Wanan’s support is already larger than that of the Kuomintang, and there are also non-deep blue votes. Moreover, the total number of opinions expressed in the above-mentioned polls is less than 100%, Jiang Wanan still has 40% in this situation, so don’t worry.

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