The latest developments
The Robert Koch Institute reported 112,323 new infections and 239 deaths on Wednesday. 60.6 million people have been vaccinated twice. 39.6 million people have received a booster vaccination.
More than eight million Germans have tested positive since the beginning of the pandemic.
Hannibal Hanschke / Getty Images
The latest developments
The number of new infections reported daily in Germany has exceeded the 100,000 mark for the first time. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 112,323 new infections on Wednesday (January 19). 239 people died within 24 hours with or from the virus. The day before there were 74,405 new infections and 193 deaths. The seven-day incidence has risen to a new record for the sixth straight day – from 553.2 the previous day to 584.4. In Germany, more than 8.1 million people have been infected with the corona virus since the beginning of the pandemic, and 116,081 people have died. Because of the omicron variant, the RKI has tightened its risk assessment: For those who have been vaccinated twice and those who have recovered, the risk of infection is now considered “high”. It remains “very high” for unvaccinated people, and “moderate” for vaccinated people with booster vaccinations.
«If we want to make an application that is still effective, then it is an application that makes vaccination compulsory sets in April or around April, maybe in May,” said the SPD politician on Tuesday evening (January 19) on RTL television. There must still be enough time to immunize unvaccinated people before a possible further corona wave in autumn, he explained. Thuringia is postponing the introduction of the 2-G-plus rule in bars, restaurants and cafés. It will not apply nationwide from January 23 as planned, but only in hotspot regions as before, said a spokesman for the state government on Tuesday (January 18) in Erfurt. A new regulation, which also regulates 2-G-plus, should only be decided in 14 days. As justification, the spokesman said that the current regulation, which only provides for the 2-G-plus rule in regions with a high incidence, is effective. Actually, the federal and state decision on gastronomy should be implemented in Thuringia at the end of this week.
Which corona measures currently apply, shows this overview.
There you will also find many other graphics on the infection situation.The most important news about developments outside of Germany
you’ll find here.
The most important news about the situation in Switzerland you’ll find here.The most important news from Corona research you’ll find here.
What is the situation at the moment? Since the beginning of the pandemic, around 8.1 million people have been infected in Germany. 115,847 people have died related to the virus. Recently, the infection situation worsened again.Record incidence in Germany
Daily reported new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week
The reason for the increase in Corona cases is the new Omicron variant; in Germany it is being detected more and more frequently. Omicron is significantly more infectious than Delta, but causes Rarely severe courses .
Most new corona infections are now in the northern states of Schleswig-Holstein and Bremen, where omicron first spread, possibly via Denmark. In Bremen, Omicron was already the dominant variant over Christmas.
High incidences in the north
Daily reported new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week in districts and cities
Region Country
Incidence Delmenhorst NI
➚ +70% 1472
Bremen City HB ➙ +9% 1401
SegebergSH ➚ +87% 1265
Frankfurt am Main HE ➚ +86% 1230 HamburgHH ➚ +78%1214 Berlin BE ➚ +52% 1142 Lübeck SH
➙ +2% 1035 Potsdam BB
➚ +76% 1033 KeelSH ➚ +28% 1015 Wuppertal NW
➚ +50%
996 Main-Taunus-KreisHE ➚ +167% 982 Munich BY ➚ +84% 978 Bremerhaven HB ➚ +19% 960
Wiesbaden HE ➚ +83% 955 Northwest Mecklenburg MV
➚ +107% 921
Pinneberg SH ➚ +46% 915 Havelland BB
➚ +107% 914 DarmstadtHE ➚ +58% 905 Harburg NI ➚ +40% 898 Munich (Country) BY ➚ +127% 896 Freiburg in Breisgau BW ➚ +59% 892 Esslingen BW ➚ +190% 875 Baden-Baden BW ➚ +140% 873 Duchy of Lauenburg SH ➚ +42%872 Verden NI
➚ +10% 868
LeverkusenNW➚ +74%
866 Ebersberg BY ➚ +79% 865 Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen BY
➚ +177% 863
Waldshut BW ➚ +132% 862 Schleswig-Flensburg SH ➚ +260%
858 SolingenNW ➚ +69 % 848 Krefeld NW
➚ +69% 846 ErdingBY ➚ +72% 842 Speyer RP ➚ +96% 836
Dachau BY ➚ +125% 834 Ingolstadt BY ➚ +89% 833 Gross-Gerau HE➚ +123%
826 Fuerstenfeldbruck BY
➚ +112%
825 Bonn NW ➚ +101% 822 Flensburg SH
➚ +17% 822
Hochtaunuskreis HE
➚ +76% 804 Mülheim an der Ruhr NW ➚ +103% 803 Darmstadt-Dieburg HE ➚ +109% 800 Ravensburg BW ➚ +99% 797 Easter Wood NI ➙ +3% 795 Loerrach BW ➚ +55% 790 Dortmund NW ➚ +64% 789
Schweinfurt BY ➚ +80%780 Freising BY ➚ +114%
776 Or- SpreeBB ➚ +46% 774 Teltow-Fläming BB
➚ +45 % 770 Mainz RP
➚ +42% 767
Lindau (Bodensee) BY ➚ +51% 766
Rosenheim BY ➚ +135% 760
Ludwigslust-Parchim MV ➚ +114% 758Rastatt BW ➚ +124% 748 Weilheim-Schongau BY ➚ +239% 741 Regensburg BY ➚ +94% 738 Starnberg BY ➚ +38% 735
Miesbach BY ➚ +69%735 Rosenheim (Land)BY ➚ +124% 733 Erlangen BY ➚ +130% 732
Duisburg NW ➚ +113%730 Mannheim BW ➚ +81% 727
Oldenburg NI ➚ +99%
Vechta NI
➚ +59% 727 Ostallgäu BY ➚ +46% 725 Herne NW ➚ +99% 722 Salzgitter NI
➚ +93% 720
Oberhavel BB ➚ +23% 720 Kaise rslautern (Country)RP ➙ +7% 716
Rotenburg (Wümme) NI
➚ +234% 716 Breisgau-Upper Black Forest BW ➚ +9 3% 714 Märkisch-Oderland BB
➚ +53% 714 Augsburg BY ➚ +82% 712 Stormarn SH ➚ +75% 710 MiltenbergBY ➚ +110% 708 Tirschenreuth BY ➚ +163% 707 Kaiserslautern RP ➙ -5% 704 Würzburg BY
➚ +42% 703
Rhine-Erft District NW ➚ +77%703 Open nbach am MainHE ➚ +19% 701 OrtenaukreisBW ➚ +87% 697
Rems-Murr districtBW ➚ +100% 696 Frankenthal (Palatinate) RP ➚ +90%
695 Rottweil BW ➚ +107% 694 Regional Association Saarbrücken SL
➚ +50% 694 North FrieslandSH ➙ +2% 693 Monchengladbach NW ➚ +101% 690 Aachen regionNW ➚ +43%
Bad KreuznachRP ➚ +81% 679 Main-Kinzig district HE ➚ +79% 674 Mühldorf a. InnBY ➚ +83% 672 Barks NW
➚ +66% 672 Cologne NW
➚ +62% 670 Potsdam-Mittelmark BB ➚ +16% 670 Koblenz RP ➚ +65% 669 Ulm BW
➚ +78% 668 Remscheid NW ➚ +72%
Oldenburg (Oldb) NI➚ +46% 666
Barnim BB ➚ +11% 666 Rheingau-Taunus district HE ➚ +96% 658 Tuebingen BW ➚ +107% 654 Bochum NW ➚ +74% 651
Aichach-FriedbergBY ➚ +60% 644 Lake Constance BW ➚ +61% 643 Dahme-SpreewaldBB
➙ +6%
643 Hamm NW ➚ +102% 642
Heilbronn BW ➚ +78% 639
Landsberg am Lech BY
➚ +43% 638 Constance BW ➚ +72%637 Stuttgart BW ➚ +124% 636 Wetterau district HE
➚ +68% 634 Rhoen-Grabfeld BY ➚ +57% 633 Weser March NI ➚ +40% 633 Emmendingen BW ➚ +116% 632 Düren NW ➚ +90% 631 Diepholz NI ➚ +49% 631 MuensterNW➚ +29% 628 Märkischer KreisNW ➚ +44% 628
Boeblingen BW ➚ +75% 628
Lüneburg NI ➚ +30% 626 Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis NW ➚ +64% 625 Biberach BW ➚ +60% 623
Rendsburg-Eckernfoerde SH
➘ -11%
623 Karlsruhe BW ➚ +44% 622 Garmisch-Partenkirchen BY
➚ +64% 622 Pfaffenhofen ad Ilm BY ➚ +99% 621 Oberhausen NW
➚ +44% 619 Memmingen BY ➚ +83% 613 Prignitz BB ➙ +3% 612 Unna NW ➚ +100% 611 Reutlingen BW ➚ +70% 610 Rhein-Sieg-Kreis NW ➚ +75% 609 Unterallgäu BY ➚ +86% 607 Birkenfeld RP ➚ +143% 606 Uckermark BB ➚ +17% 604 Neumünster SH ➚ +16% 601 Bottrop NW ➚ +92% 601 Ludwigsburg BW ➚ +99% 597 Kaufbeuren BY ➚ +75% 596 Gütersloh NW ➚ +35% 596 Weiden i.d. OPf. BY ➚ +159% 595 Gelsenkirchen NW ➚ +103% 595 Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis BW ➚ +79% 595 Heilbronn (Country)BW ➚ +80% 594 Cloppenburg NI ➚ +141% 594 Landshut BY ➚ +81% 593 Kassel HE ➚ +65% 592 Traunstein BY ➚ +108% 591
Augsburg (Country) BY ➚ +122% 590 Eichstätt BY➚ +70% 589 Kulmbach BY
➚ +181%
Neuburg-Schrobenhausen BY ➚ +103% 588
Mettmann NW ➚ +38% 588 Pforzheim BW ➚ +68% 586 Göppingen BW ➚ +117% 585 Ludwigshafen am RheinRP ➚ +44% 582
Kempten (Allgäu) BY ➚ +32%
582 DithmarschenSH ➘ -25% 581 Alb-Donau-Kreis BW
➚ +92% 578 Günzburg BY ➚ +92% 577 Rhein-Kreis Neuss NW ➚ +87% 574 Schwabach BY ➚ +135% 572 Bergstraße HE ➚ +65% 571 Trier RP ➚ +45% 570 Offenbach HE ➚ +21% 566 Regensburg (Land) BY ➚ +97% 563 Minden-Lübbecke NW ➚ +44% 562 Hagen NW ➚ +90% 561 Osnabrück NI ➚ +48% 561 Fulda HE ➙ -7% 561 Gießen HE ➚ +95% 561 Marburg-Biedenkopf HE ➚ +109% 561 Erlangen-Höchstadt BY ➚ +117% 560 Essen NW ➚ +56% 558 Wesel NW ➚ +84% 556
FuerthBY ➚ +80% 555
Steinfurt NW ➚ + 27% 555 Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm RP ➚ +98% 554 Altötting BY
➚ +82% 554
Bayreuth BY
➚ +63% 554
Dingolfing-LandauBY ➚ +94% 553 Tuttlingen BW ➚ +54% 552 Cochem cell RP ➚ +14% 551 Saarlouis SL ➚ +84% 551 Neu-UlmBY ➚ +91% 551 OstholsteinSH ➙ -5% 551 Sigmaringen BW
➚ +58% 550 Schweinfurt (Country) BY ➚ +57%
Heinsberg NW ➚ +81% 548
Warendorf NW
➚ +23% 547 Oberberg District NW ➚ +32% 544 Lahn-Dill district HE ➚ +139% 544 Ploen SH ➚ +26% 537 Limburg-Weilburg HE ➚ +65% 535
Stade NI
➚ +47% 533 HerfordNW ➚ +63% 532 NurembergBY ➚ +50% 531 Worms RP
➚ +33% 528
Brunswick NI ➚ +48% 527
Zollernalbkreis BW➚ +34%
526 Fuerth (Country) BY ➚ +108% 525
Calw BW ➚ +73% 525
Passau BY
➚ +60% 523 Bad Kissingen BY ➚ +122% 519
Cottbus BB ➙ -5% 518 Main- Tauber CircleBW ➚ +70%
518 Heidenheim BW ➚ +77% 515 Rostock MV ➚ +28% 514
Neckar-Odenwald district BW ➚ +75% 512 AmmerlandNI ➚ +37% 511 Lichtenfels BY ➚ +120% 511 Rhine-Palatinate District RP ➚ +65%
511 Wolfsburg NI ➚ +84% 507
Waldeck-Frankenberg HE
➚ +121% 507 Ostprignitz-Ruppin BB ➚ +47% 506 Aschaffenburg BY ➚ + 66% 505 Enzkreis BW
➚ +132%503 Merzig-Wadern SL ➚ +51% 503 Ennepe -Ruhr district NW ➚ +37% 503
Hersfeld-Rotenburg HE ➚ +39% 502 Straubing BY
➚ +99% 496
Heidelberg BW ➚ +24% 495 Bernkastel-WittlichRP➚ +58%493 Landshut (Country) BY➚ +55%
493 Ansbach BY ➚ +79%
492 Mainz-Bingen RP ➚ +28%
Hate Mountains BY
➚ +93% 487
Cuxhaven NI ➚ +38%487 Berchtesgadener Land BY ➚ +285% 487
Odenwaldkreis HE
➚ +121% 482 Bielefeld NW ➚ +53% 481 Neumarkt id OPf. BY ➚ +138% 477 Leipzig SN
➚ +24 % 477 Schwerin MV
➚ +40%
475 Oberallgäu BY ➚ +32% 475 Swallow Eder Circle HE ➚ +136% 474 ViersenNW ➚ +29% 474 Karlsruhe (Country) BW ➚ +44% 474 Cleve NW ➚ +62% 473
Schwäbisch Hall BW ➚ +52% 471 BambergBY ➚ +56% 471 Dusseldorf NW
➘ -21% 471 Rhein-Hunsrück District RP ➚ +88%
470 Brandenburg an der HavelBB ➙ +9% 469 County of Bentheim NI ➚ +24%466 Rhein-Lahn District RP ➚ + 79% 465 Hannover Region NI ➚ +45%
465 Nuremberg Country BY ➚ +60% 463 Landau in der Pfalz RP➚ +14%
463 Rostock (Country)MV ➚ +14% 463
RainBY ➚ +64% 459 Roth BY➚ +128%
458 Steinburg SH ➚ +17% 458 Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen BY ➚ +112% 457 Osnabrueck (Country)NI ➚ +67% 456 Würzburg (Land)BY ➚ +25% 456 Kelheim BY ➚ +102% 453 Main-Spessart BY ➚ +78% 453 Donau-Ries BY ➚ +71% 453 Lip NW ➚ +14% 446 Ostalbkreis BW
➚ +77%
446 Western Pomerania-Rügen MV ➚ +18% 445 Vogelsberg District HE➚ +105%442 Mecklenburg Lake District MV ➘ -18% 440
Rottal-Inn BY ➚ +89% 439
Aschaffenburg (country) BY ➚ +76% 43 9 Coesfeld NW ➚ +42% 438 Mayen-Koblenz RP
➚ +52% 437
Olpe NW
➚ +55% 437
Frankfurt (Oder) BB ➙ +3%
430 Court BY ➚ +74% 429
Emsland NI ➚ +55% 429 Germersheim RP ➚ +19% 427 Dresden SN
➙ -0% 423
Heidekreis NI ➚ +57% 423 Forchheim BY
➚ +50% 421 On the mountain BY ➚ +29% 419
Bamberg (country)BY
➚ +82% 418
CoburgBY ➚ +76%416 Hohenlohe District BW ➚ +47% 414
Neustadt ad Waldnaab BY ➚ +82% 414 Straubing-BogenBY ➚ +153% 411 FreudenstadtBW ➚ +21% 410 Magdeburg ST
➚ +30 % 410 Siegen-Wittgenstein NW ➚ +51% 409 Cham BY ➚ +88% 408 EuskirchenNW ➚ +32%
406 CelleNI ➚ +80% 403 West Pomerania-Greifswald MV ➘ -14% 402 Wilhelmshaven NI
➚ +30%
399 Uelzen NI ➚ +75% 398 Kassel (Country) HE ➚ +69% 398
Halle (Saale) ST ➚ +22%
396 Rhine-Neckar District BW ➚ +43% 392
Ahrweiler RP ➚ +27% 392 Schaumburg NI ➚ +51% 386 Dillingen on the Danube BY ➚ +34% 385 Peine NI
➚ +43% 385
Paderborn NW ➙ +4% 383 Neustadt ad Aisch-Bad WindsheimBY ➚ +69% 383 Westerwaldkreis RP ➚ +50% 378 Kusel RP ➚ +47% 374 Hameln-Pyrmont NI ➚ +101% 373 Lüchow-Dannenberg NI ➚ +14% 371 Jerichower Land ST ➚ +20% 370 Wolfenbüttel NI ➚ +40% 369 Nienburg (Weser) NI ➚ +31% 369 Bayreuth (Land) BY ➚ +52% 367 Spree-Neiße BB ➘ -32% 365 Gifhorn NI ➚ +27% 363 Kitzingen BY ➚ +29% 361 Neunkirchen SL ➚ +31% 359 St. Wendel SL ➘ -30% 359 Ansbach (Land) BY ➚ +41% 359 Neuwied RP ➚ +36% 359 Amberg-Sulzbach BY ➚ +49% 359
Helmstedt NI ➚ +30% 358 Alzey WormsRP ➚ +24% 357 EmdenNI ➙ +7% 357 Hildesheim NI ➚ +69% 357
Saarpfalz district SL ➙ +6% 356 Hochsauerland districtNW ➚ +56% 353 Donnersberg district RP ➚ +28%
346 SaalekreisST ➚ +20% 345
Jena TH ➙ +7% 343
Trier-Saarburg RP ➚ +14% 343 Deggendorf BY ➚ +35% 337 Altmarkkreis Salzwedel ST
➙ +2% 337 Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge BY ➚ +133% 333 Stop -Bitterfeld ST
➙ -8% 330 Courtyard (Country) BY ➚ +65% 323
ZweibrückenRP ➚ +23% 321 Dessau-Rosslau ST
➚ +30% 315 Holzminden NI ➚ +10% 313 Soest NW ➚ +12%
313 Hoexter NW ➚ +47%
Leipzig (Country) SN ➙ -7% 308 Bad Dürkheim RP ➙ -1% 306 Vulcan EifelRP ➚ +28% 304 Upper Spreewald-Lausitz BB ➘ -12% 303 Southern Wine Route RP ➙ +5% 300
SchwandorfBY ➚ +49% 295
Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains SN
➘ -33% 293
Goettingen NI ➚ +16% 287 Passau (Country) BY ➚ + 53% 286 Altenkirchen (Westerwald) RP ➙ +3% 284 Stendal ST ➘ -18% 284 Leather NI ➚ +84% 280 Goslar NI ➚ +52% 275 Werra-Meißner-Kreis HEY
➚ + 32% 275 MeißenSN ➘ -24% 273G örlitz SN ➘ -18% 266 NordsachsenSN
➘ -12% 266 Freyung-Grafenau BY ➚ +63%
264 Kronach BY ➙ +9%
259 Neustadt an der Weinstraße RP ➘ -27% 259
Recklinghausen NW ➚ +12%
259 Weimar TH ➘ -14% 258 Börde ST ➙ +7% 258
Northeim NI ➙ – 1% 253 Eichsfeld TH ➚ +14%
Aurich NI
➚ +31% 252
Unstrut-Hainich district TH ➘ -32% 251 Weimarer Land TH➘ -43%250 Salzlandkreis ST ➙ +2%
249 Friesland NI ➚ +48% 246
Pirmasens RP ➙ -5%
246 Erfurt TH
➘ -40 % 246 BautzenSN ➘ -30% 237 Mansfeld-SüdharzST ➙ -10% 234
Wittmund NI ➚ +95 % 234 Eisenach TH
n/a 230 Wartburg District TH ➘ -51% 230
Elbe-Elster BB ➘ -50% 229 Central Saxony SN
➘ -20%
228 Suhl TH ➘ -20% 228 HildburghausenTH ➘ -57%225 Burgenlandkreis ST ➘ -19% 222 Gotha TH ➘ -33% 216 Wittenberg ST ➘ -26% 215 Ilm-Kreis TH ➘ -38% 209 Coburg (Land) BY ➙ +9% 206 Zwickau SN ➘ -29% 202 Kyffhäuserkreis TH ➘ -32% 197 Südwestpfalz RP ➘ -14% 197 Schmalkalden-Meiningen TH ➘ -44% 196 Saale-Holzland-Kreis TH ➘ -42% 192 Harz ST ➙ -10% 190 Chemnitz SN ➘ -25% 188 Nordhausen TH ➘ -53% 187 Sömmerda TH ➘ -59% 187 Gera TH ➘ -31% 181 Vogtlandkreis SN ➘ -37% 179 Erzgebirgskreis SN ➘ -33% 165 Greiz TH ➘ -80% 162 Altenburger Land TH ➘ -48% 162 Saalfeld-Rudolstadt TH ➘ -65% 161 Saale-Orla-Kreis TH ➘ -32% 151 Sonneberg TH ➘ -34% 128 Auch die Zahl der Corona-Patienten in Intensivbehandlung nahm im November stark zu, allerdings nicht in allen Regionen gleichermassen. Seit Anfang Dezember hat sich der Anstieg abgeschwächt. Bei schweren Verläufen vergehen im Mittel fünf Tage zwischen Krankheitsbeginn und Aufnahme auf der Intensivstation. Die Zahlen in der Grafik enthalten auch positiv getestete Personen, die nicht in erster Linie wegen ihrer Covid-Erkrankung behandelt werden.
Again fewer corona patients in intensive careNumber of people who tested positive for Corona in German intensive care units
At the peak of the first wave, the number rose to just over 2900
On New Year’s it was almost twice as high at 5700
At the peak of the third wave it rose to 5100
During the fourth wave to 4900
Fewer beds ready for use than a year ago
This is how the number of operable¹ intensive care beds has developed:
The number of daily reported deaths related to Covid-19 is also decreasing. Here, too, there is a time lag: In the case of a fatal course, there is an average of 18 days between the onset of symptoms and death.
Fewer deaths than before a year
7-day average of daily reported deaths related to Covid-19
Because of the low willingness to vaccinate among unvaccinated adults, there were hardly any first vaccinations from the end of the summer, but recently the number has increased slightly again. With the booster vaccinations Germany lagged behind compared to other countries , but has meanwhile been able to gain ground.
For the first time more booster than initial vaccinations
Hardly any vaccinations during the holidays
According to RKI must be at least At least 85 percent of the total population should be fully vaccinated or recovered to stop the spread of highly contagious mutations.72.9 percent are double vaccinated, 48.3 percent with booster protection
Proportion of vaccinated by age group, in percent
More graphics for Infection situation in Germany can be found in this overview , the most important Questions and answers on the German vaccination campaign in this article.
Where do which corona measures apply?
The federal and state governments decided at the end of December to further tighten the corona measures. Private meetings are only allowed with a maximum of ten people, children under the age of 14 are not counted. Clubs and discos had to close again. Major national events can only take place without spectators.
Vaccination compulsory for people who work in the medical field. You must provide proof of vaccination protection by mid-March 2022.
The so-called 2G model, which grants vaccinated and recovered people more rights than unvaccinated people, is being implemented throughout Germany. In many federal states, the 2G plus rule also applies to gastronomy. In addition to vaccination protection, guests must present a current rapid test there. Anyone who has already received a booster vaccination does not have to submit a test certificate.
In addition to these measures, the German Bundestag has approved the introduction of a 3-G rule in the workplace and in Local and long-distance buses and trains introduced. For workplace controls, the employer should be given the authority to inquire about the vaccination, convalescence or test status. In public transport, the staff is required to check the evidence. The obligation to wear a mouth and nose cover still applies in buses, trains and retail.
The Corona measures in the courseThe Oxford Stringency Index shows how strict the restrictions are in Germany

Doubly vaccinated is who has received all scheduled doses of an approved vaccine plus at least 14 days must have passed since the last dose. For those who have previously recovered from Covid disease, just one dose can suffice.
People who have been shown to have contracted Covid-19. The PCR result of the infection must be at least 28 days old and is valid for a maximum of three months. For both those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered, the relief only applies to them if they have no acute symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing or fever.

The mask requirement also applies to German train stations.
Annegret Hilse / Reuters
What is the situation at the borders?
How is the German economy reacting?
The German economy is in 2020 as a result of the corona pandemicin a severe recession. Measured against the gross domestic product (GDP), according to the Federal Statistical Office, economic output fell in price-adjusted terms 4.6 percent. The slump was thus somewhat less severe than in 2009, when GDP fell by 5.7 percent as a result of the financial and economic crisis. The course of the year 2020 resembled a mountain and -Descent: In the second quarter, GDP fell by 10 percent quarter-on-quarter as a result of the first lockdown, which paralyzed parts of economic life and was also accompanied by disruptions to international supply chains and a drop in export demand. After the gradual easing of many restrictions from the end of April, a recovery began in many sectors, so that GDP increased again by 9 percent in the third quarter. Economic output is increasing again
Development of GDP (price, seasonally and calendar adjusted, 2015=100)
The second lockdown from November 2020 hit the economy less severely and unprepared than the first, which is why GDP in the final quarter is still around 0.7 percent increased. In the first quarter of 2021, however, there was a decline of 2 percent compared to the previous quarter.
After that put a new one recovery on. In the third quarter of 2021, the GDP is according to the Federal Statistical Office increased by 1.7 percent compared to the previous quarter. However, the upturn will not be as rapid as hoped for in the spring, as it is currently being driven by Delivery bottlenecks and high energy prices is braked. The fourth and fifth corona waves are also likely to bring new setbacks to some sectors. The published at the end of October Autumn projection of the federal government represented real GDP growth of 2.6 percent in 2021 and 4.1 percent in 2022 in prospect. An egg Ifo forecast published in December -Instituts was a bit more pessimistic for 2022: The institute has its GDP forecast for the current year 3.7 percent and that for 2023 increased to 2.9 percent because the initially expected strong recovery for 2022 would be pushed back due to the fourth corona wave and the ongoing supply bottlenecks. The number of unemployed increased by 12,000 to 2.33 million in December 2021 compared to the previous month, as the
Federal Employment Agency announced on Tuesday (January 4th)
. She added that a slight increase is common this month. The unemployment rate remained unchanged from November at 5.1 percent, which is 0.8 percentage points lower than in December 2020. The rate in 2020 rose from 5.1 percent in March to 6.4 percent in August in the wake of the Corona crisis gone up.
The use of short-time work declined until October (more recent data is not yet available). At that time, according to a preliminary projection by the Federal Agency, short-time work benefits were paid for 710,000 employees. In April 2020, this number had peaked at almost 6 million.
How does the state support the economy? In March 2020, the federal government issued a Corona aid package launched. The aim of the aid was and is to secure jobs and companies during the temporary “freeze” of the economy. Subsidies to smaller companies and the self-employed, cheap loans guaranteed by the state from the public credit institution for reconstruction (KfW) to companies, tax relief and easier access to short-time work benefits have served and still serve for this purpose. In addition, the state can acquire temporary holdings in companies via the Economic Stabilization Fund in special cases such as Lufthansa. The individual measures have been repeatedly modified and in some cases extended. The government coalition had also decided in June 2020 on an “economic and future package » agreed to help the economy get back on its feet. It has a volume of 130 billion euros in 2020 and 2021. The package includes a variety of measures, including a temporary reduction in VAT rates from 19 to 16 percent (reduced rate: from 7 to 5 percent). This was valid from July 1st to December 31st, 2020.
In November 2021, the federal and state governments agreed that bridging aid for companies affected by the Corona Consequences are particularly affected, and to extend the short-time work regulations again, this time until the end of March 2022.
All of these government precautions have come along with the cyclical downturn of tax revenue left clear traces in the national budget. In 2020, there was a total deficit of 4.2 percent of GDP for the federal, state, local and social security funds. In the first half of 2021, according to provisional calculations by the Federal Statistical Office at almost 81 billion euros, even 4.7 percent of GDP. This is the second highest shortfall in a first half of the year since German reunification.
With agency material.
Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here
Since the beginning of the pandemic, around 8.1 million people have been infected in Germany. 115,847 people have died related to the virus. Recently, the infection situation worsened again.Record incidence in Germany
Daily reported new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week
The reason for the increase in Corona cases is the new Omicron variant; in Germany it is being detected more and more frequently. Omicron is significantly more infectious than Delta, but causes Rarely severe courses .
Since the beginning of the pandemic, around 8.1 million people have been infected in Germany. 115,847 people have died related to the virus. Recently, the infection situation worsened again.Record incidence in Germany
Daily reported new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week
Record incidence in Germany
Daily reported new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week
Most new corona infections are now in the northern states of Schleswig-Holstein and Bremen, where omicron first spread, possibly via Denmark. In Bremen, Omicron was already the dominant variant over Christmas.
High incidences in the north
Daily reported new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week in districts and cities
Berlin | BE | ➚ +52% | 1142 | Lübeck | SH ➙ +2% | 1035 | Potsdam | BB ➚ +76% | 1033 | | Keel | SH | ➚ +28% | 1015 |
Wuppertal | NW |
➚ +50%
NW➚ +74%
➚ +260%
HE➚ +123%
➚ +112%
➚ +114%
➚ +99%
➚ +90%
Monchengladbach | NW | ➚ +101% | 690 | Aachen region | NW | ➚ +43% |
Koblenz | RP | ➚ +65% | 669 | Ulm | BW ➚ +78% | 668 | |
Remscheid | NW | ➚ +72% |
➙ +6%
➘ -11%
Kassel | HE | ➚ +65% | 592 | ||||||
Traunstein | BY | ➚ +108% | 591 | Augsburg (Country) | BY | ➚ +122% | 590 |
Eichstätt | BY➚ +70% | 589 | Kulmbach | |
➚ +181%
➚ +32%
Sigmaringen | ➚ +58% | 550 | Schweinfurt (Country) | BY | ➚ +57% |
BW➚ +34%
➚ +70%
➚ +65%
BY➚ +55%
➚ +79%
Mainz-Bingen | RP | ➚ +28% |
Leipzig | ➚ +24 % | 477 | Schwerin | MV |
➚ +40%
➚ +88%
➚ +45%
RP➚ +14%
BY➚ +128%
Donau-Ries | BY | ➚ +71% | 453 | Lip | NW | ➚ +14% | 446 | Ostalbkreis | BW |
➚ +77%
➙ +3%
➚ +32%
West Pomerania-Greifswald | MV | ➘ -14% | 402 | Wilhelmshaven | NI |
➚ +30%
➚ +22%
➚ +28%
➚ +12%
➚ +47%
➚ +63%
➙ +9%
➚ +12%
➚ +14%
➙ +2%
➙ -5%
Central Saxony | SN |
➘ -20%
Auch die Zahl der Corona-Patienten in Intensivbehandlung nahm im November stark zu, allerdings nicht in allen Regionen gleichermassen. Seit Anfang Dezember hat sich der Anstieg abgeschwächt. Bei schweren Verläufen vergehen im Mittel fünf Tage zwischen Krankheitsbeginn und Aufnahme auf der Intensivstation. Die Zahlen in der Grafik enthalten auch positiv getestete Personen, die nicht in erster Linie wegen ihrer Covid-Erkrankung behandelt werden.
Number of people who tested positive for Corona in German intensive care units
At the peak of the first wave, the number rose to just over 2900
On New Year’s it was almost twice as high at 5700
At the peak of the third wave it rose to 5100
During the fourth wave to 4900
Fewer beds ready for use than a year ago
This is how the number of operable¹ intensive care beds has developed:
The number of daily reported deaths related to Covid-19 is also decreasing. Here, too, there is a time lag: In the case of a fatal course, there is an average of 18 days between the onset of symptoms and death.
Fewer deaths than before a year
7-day average of daily reported deaths related to Covid-19
For the first time more booster than initial vaccinations
Hardly any vaccinations during the holidays
72.9 percent are double vaccinated, 48.3 percent with booster protection
Proportion of vaccinated by age group, in percent
More graphics for Infection situation in Germany can be found in this overview , the most important Questions and answers on the German vaccination campaign in this article.
Where do which corona measures apply?
The federal and state governments decided at the end of December to further tighten the corona measures. Private meetings are only allowed with a maximum of ten people, children under the age of 14 are not counted. Clubs and discos had to close again. Major national events can only take place without spectators.
Vaccination compulsory for people who work in the medical field. You must provide proof of vaccination protection by mid-March 2022.
The so-called 2G model, which grants vaccinated and recovered people more rights than unvaccinated people, is being implemented throughout Germany. In many federal states, the 2G plus rule also applies to gastronomy. In addition to vaccination protection, guests must present a current rapid test there. Anyone who has already received a booster vaccination does not have to submit a test certificate.
In addition to these measures, the German Bundestag has approved the introduction of a 3-G rule in the workplace and in Local and long-distance buses and trains introduced. For workplace controls, the employer should be given the authority to inquire about the vaccination, convalescence or test status. In public transport, the staff is required to check the evidence. The obligation to wear a mouth and nose cover still applies in buses, trains and retail.
The Oxford Stringency Index shows how strict the restrictions are in Germany

Doubly vaccinated is who has received all scheduled doses of an approved vaccine plus at least 14 days must have passed since the last dose. For those who have previously recovered from Covid disease, just one dose can suffice.
People who have been shown to have contracted Covid-19. The PCR result of the infection must be at least 28 days old and is valid for a maximum of three months. For both those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered, the relief only applies to them if they have no acute symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing or fever.
The mask requirement also applies to German train stations.
Annegret Hilse / Reuters
What is the situation at the borders?
How is the German economy reacting?
Economic output is increasing again
Development of GDP (price, seasonally and calendar adjusted, 2015=100)
The second lockdown from November 2020 hit the economy less severely and unprepared than the first, which is why GDP in the final quarter is still around 0.7 percent increased. In the first quarter of 2021, however, there was a decline of 2 percent compared to the previous quarter.
After that put a new one recovery on. In the third quarter of 2021, the GDP is according to the Federal Statistical Office increased by 1.7 percent compared to the previous quarter. However, the upturn will not be as rapid as hoped for in the spring, as it is currently being driven by Delivery bottlenecks and high energy prices is braked. The fourth and fifth corona waves are also likely to bring new setbacks to some sectors. The published at the end of October Autumn projection of the federal government represented real GDP growth of 2.6 percent in 2021 and 4.1 percent in 2022 in prospect. An egg Ifo forecast published in December -Instituts was a bit more pessimistic for 2022: The institute has its GDP forecast for the current year 3.7 percent and that for 2023 increased to 2.9 percent because the initially expected strong recovery for 2022 would be pushed back due to the fourth corona wave and the ongoing supply bottlenecks. The number of unemployed increased by 12,000 to 2.33 million in December 2021 compared to the previous month, as the
Federal Employment Agency announced on Tuesday (January 4th)
. She added that a slight increase is common this month. The unemployment rate remained unchanged from November at 5.1 percent, which is 0.8 percentage points lower than in December 2020. The rate in 2020 rose from 5.1 percent in March to 6.4 percent in August in the wake of the Corona crisis gone up.
The use of short-time work declined until October (more recent data is not yet available). At that time, according to a preliminary projection by the Federal Agency, short-time work benefits were paid for 710,000 employees. In April 2020, this number had peaked at almost 6 million.
The government coalition had also decided in June 2020 on an “economic and future package » agreed to help the economy get back on its feet. It has a volume of 130 billion euros in 2020 and 2021. The package includes a variety of measures, including a temporary reduction in VAT rates from 19 to 16 percent (reduced rate: from 7 to 5 percent). This was valid from July 1st to December 31st, 2020. In November 2021, the federal and state governments agreed that bridging aid for companies affected by the Corona Consequences are particularly affected, and to extend the short-time work regulations again, this time until the end of March 2022. All of these government precautions have come along with the cyclical downturn of tax revenue left clear traces in the national budget. In 2020, there was a total deficit of 4.2 percent of GDP for the federal, state, local and social security funds. In the first half of 2021, according to provisional calculations by the Federal Statistical Office at almost 81 billion euros, even 4.7 percent of GDP. This is the second highest shortfall in a first half of the year since German reunification.
Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here