The midnight bomb

Author: Aleksandar Golubović

Monday 10.01.2022.



Inter football player Marcelo Brozović, after several months of negotiations, agreed to the conditions offered to him by the Italian champion and will extend the contract until the end of the week until 2026, reports Gazeta delo Sport.

Inter wanted to keep the Croatian national team player at any cost. the contract expires at the end of the season, and the official announcement will be made after the Super Cup duel on Wednesday against Juventus or over the weekend against Atalanta.

Brozović will contract to have a salary of six million euros a year, and with bonuses it should go to seven.

As it is stated, the Croat originally asked for eight million euros, which was offered to him only by Newcastle, but he refused this possibility in compromise with Inter

Brozović arrived at Inter seven years ago and has been one of the most standard players in the club since then.

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