The Ministry of Health provides more detailed data on those vaccinated in cases of COVID-19

Здравното министерство дава по-подробни данни за ваксинираните сред случаите на COVID-19

© Julia Lazarova

The Ministry of Health is already providing more detailed statistics on the proportion of those vaccinated among those hospitalized, in intensive care units and those who died with COVID-19. The new point in the data is that they are presented cumulatively for a period of 14 days or for a week . The information is published in the section “Current statistics in Bulgaria” on the official portal for the coronavirus in the country – , maintained by the state company “Information Services”.

The first step in presenting more detailed information was taken less than two weeks ago when the health authorities started publishing the percentage of vaccinated among the new cases per day of infected, hospitalized and deceased.

The statistics of the Ministry of Health show that of the 7126 patients with coronavirus hospitalized in the last two weeks, 8.25% (588 people) were vaccinated. Among those accommodated in intensive care units (in a complicated condition ) for the same period 3.45% (13 people) were vaccinated. From those who died with coronavirus in the past 14 days 5% (52 people) have been vaccinated

When presenting these statistics, the Ministry of Health does not indicate the age of those hospitalized, in intensive care and the deceased. This information could be valuable because there may be many adults among them who are generally more likely to have a severe course of the disease and be fatal (even after vaccination). It is stated that all persons who have completed a vaccination course are considered vaccinated. (For the outbreak of the virus in vaccinated read here.)

Another aspect of the new more detailed statistics of the Ministry of Health is that the number of vaccinated people by age groups is presented. The data show that most are vaccinated (with completed vaccination course) aged between 60 and 69 years – 283 366 people, followed by people between 50 and 59 years – 247 655 people, and between 40 and 49 years – 235 039 people. The statistics can be defined as useful because the data on the set doses have been used for months for political attacks. (Read on the topic here and here.)

However, the presented statistics on the number of vaccinated by age groups lack information on their share of the total number of people of the same age. This would be interesting to see a breakdown by age group. According to the data ), presented by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, an average of 23% of the adult population in Bulgaria has been vaccinated against COVID-19.

What does the current map of the coronavirus epidemic in Bulgaria look like according to the official data, see here.
The highlights of the epidemic in the country with today’s date read here .

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