The new mayor Manfredi: 'Naples is the ideal city for the Maradona Cup'

Il nuovo sindaco Manfredi: 'Napoli città ideale per la Coppa Maradona'

Gaetano Manfredi , new mayor of Naples , speak to the microphones of Kiss Kiss Naples : “I haven’t chosen the councilor for sport yet but we will devote a lot of time and work. Important thing for us and the city. Borriello has been elected and will be able to help but we have not yet made the junta. He will make a contribution as a city councilor. With De Laurentiis we spoke both before the elections and after. Napoli is one of the great assets of the city: a competitive team with a wealth of fans all over the world. Investing in the team means investing in the city. We will do our best. If Napoli won the Scudetto I would be the happiest man in the world. Naples deserves it. Maradona Cup? It would be extraordinary, Diego Armando Maradona is a heritage of world football: Naples is the ideal place where this cup must be played ”.

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