The newly released eFootball 2022 is the worst rated game of all time on Steam

Konami had big plans for the future of its Pro Evolution Soccer series. In July of this year it was announced that the brand will definitely change its name to eFootball and will bring a new engine and switch to free-to-play model . However, the transformation and the new chapter of the popular football simulation, which has long been the only one to compete with the FIFA series, ended in complete embarrassment and shame.

eFootball 2022 released on PC and old and new consoles 30. September. Thanks to the free-to-play model, the title has become easily accessible to a large number of players. However, they emphatically showed the developers their discontinuity with the game itself and its technical condition. The criticism has gone so far that eFootball 2022 can boast a not-quite-commendable championship. This is currently the worst rated title on Steam.

At the time of writing, the game is on . Over 13,000 players rated Steam , of which as many 91% agreed with a negative rating . The successor to the PES series thus falls into the extremely negative column with a rating of 9%. Players in the reviews mention that the new year is worse in all respects than the older parts.

eFootball 2022

Complain about lack of content, downgrade graphics, animations, failed control and movement of players or countless glitches and technical shortcomings. In addition to negative comments , pictures of deformed faces of various famous players also flooded .

The developers were forced to issue a statement under the weight of criticism, in which apologize for the current state of the game . At the same time, they state that they do not take players’ comments lightly and will strive to improve the current situation. In the future, we expect a regular supply of updates, improvements and new content.

However, the question is whether, given the wide range of problems and shortcomings, there will be a really significant improvement in the near future.

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