The notes of Bordeaux-Marseille

It therefore took 44 years for OM to understand that it was necessary to recruit a Turkish player to finally beat the Bordelais in Gironde lands. But all this would not have been possible without Benoît Costil’s qualities as a passer.

By Léo Tourbe

Notes from Bordeaux-Marseille

They compensated for the closed session

William Saliba

If Emmanuel Macron pisses off the unvaccinated French, William Saliba, he pisses off the uninspired attackers .

Cengiz Under

He can boast of having sent 44 years of Bordeaux invincibility to the cemetery. The Ündertaker.

Boubacar Kamara

Bordeaux circles very quickly moved from sheave beds to Bouba’s pockets

Luan Peres

We haven’t seen a player do so much away since Luka Modrić.

Pau López

A game where it proved to be more useful for medical students than for apprentices guards.

They accentuated the closed session

Ui-jo Hwang

Nice with the Bordeaux supporters who came to sing from outside Matmut Atlantique, he preferred to send them a ball rather than equalize on his only opportunity.

Benoît Costil

Apparently at the Costils, Father Christmas is spending January 7.

Luis Henrique

Visibly affected by the Bordeaux misadventure in the Coupe de France last weekend, Jorge Sampaoli had decided to line up a young N3 player on the lawn.

Amine Harit

Get carried away, then calm down … Then get carried away, then calm down. Amine Haritmie.

Javairo Dilrosun

Did not understand that the closed session only concerned the spectators, not the players.

By Léo Tourbe

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