The number of Japanese guests has decreased by 20.6% compared to 2019. Hotel accommodation status in August in Kyoto City

According to the accommodation status of 100 hotels in the city in August announced by the Kyoto City Tourism Association, the total number of Japanese guests increased by 30.4% from the same month of the previous year. Although an emergency declaration was issued, it increased from the previous year due to the spread of vaccination and progress in infection control measures. However, it has not reached a full-scale recovery, with a decrease of 20.6% compared to the same month of 2019 before the Corona disaster, and a 43.3% decrease compared to the 62 facilities surveyed before the Corona disaster.

The total number of foreign guests increased by 67.8% year-on-year. Compared to the same month of 2019, it decreased by 99.6%, and it has been almost zero for 17 months.

The occupancy rate of guest rooms increased by 3.4 points to 26.8%, which is still low. Compared to the same month last year, it decreased by 56.5 points, which is lower than other cities in Japan.

The occupancy rate of guest rooms at major inns in the city decreased by 6.9 points to 9.0%. The reason for the slump is that the number of postponements of school trips has increased again.

The vaccination completion rate for employees of 60 major inn hotels in the city is 64.7%. At this point, the inoculation rate is much higher than the general inoculation rate. The second inoculation in the workplace is scheduled for early October, and the inoculation completion rate is expected to rise further in the future.

The association predicts that the occupancy rate of guest rooms in September and October will remain in the first half of 10%. It is expected to recover to 22.7% in November of the autumn leaves season. It is also pointed out that there is a possibility that the number will increase significantly due to the influx of accommodation reservations just before, depending on the policy of easing behavior restrictions in the future and the consumption stimulus measures of the national and local governments.

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