The oldest person in the world celebrates his 119th birthday

The Japanese Kane Tanaka was eleven years before the beginning of the First World War.

On Sunday Kane Tanaka celebrated her 119th birthday. In the course of her long life, the Japanese woman has already experienced a lot.

Tanaka was born on January 2, 1903 in the Fukuoka Prefecture in the southwest of the country. In the same year, the Wright brothers take off on their famous first powered flight and the first Tour de France takes place for the very first time. One year later the Russo-Japanese War begins ; when Tanaka was eleven years old, the First World War.

The 119-year-old shares her year of birth with the famous British writer George Orwell, the author of “1984”.

As early as March 2019, at the age of 116, she was recognized by Guinness World Records as the oldest living person in the world. When she was 117 years and 261 days old, she also broke the Japanese age record.

Communication with gestures

Tanaka was seventh Born of nine children and married at the age of 19. When her husband and eldest son went to the Second Sino-Japanese War, she provided the family with the proceeds of her rice cake shop.

Today the jubilee lives in a nursing home in Fukuoka has a love for chocolate and carbonated drinks. Because she can no longer speak, she uses gestures to communicate with the carers. Last year her peace sign went around the world in thanks for the flowers from Fukuoka’s governor.

According to her family members, it is her great wish to live to be 120 years old.

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