The owner of Facebook lost 6.6 billion dollars in a few hours

The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, lost 6.6 billion dollars due to the global decline of social networks and services, and dropped to sixth place on the “Forbes” list of the richest people in the world.

*) According to Forbes data in real time, Zuckerberg’s wealth decreased by 5.4 percent, or 6.6 billion dollars, and now amounts to 116.1 billion dollars.

Today, users Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp around the world reported huge interruptions in the work of these networks. Then there were reports of problems in the work of Telegram, Twitter, Google and TikTok.

From Facebook, they announced on the social network Twitter.

– We are aware that some people have trouble accessing our applications and products. We are working to get things back to normal as soon as possible and we apologize for the inconvenience – it is stated in the announcement.

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