The parable of Galli: now he is under investigation for rigged competitions

5 October 2021 – 13:53

During the lockdown he used to beat the Italians for “reckless behavior”: now he is being searched

La parabola di Galli: ora è indagato per i concorsi truccati

One of the side effects of popularity, Luca Morisi also knows it well, is that the media limelight resembles marriage: it is valid both in good and in bad luck. TVs are able to make you shine with their own light, make you land in the homes of Italians every other day as well, but they also end up amplifying any missteps. This is what he must have discovered this morning Massimo Galli , former head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Sack of Milan, leading face of the virologists star of the Covid Era, when he learned of the search decree and seizure carried out in these hours by the carabinieri of the Nas of Milan: an investigation by the Milan prosecutor is investing the Italian university world. And he is among the suspects.

Nice retirement gift for Galli , who thought he could devote himself to writing a “novel in the drawer” and instead will have a cat to peel of greater weight. Obviously, guarantee is one of those principles that cannot be waved on alternate plates. So for us he is and remains innocent until proven guilty. But the news of the investigation is now public, and therefore must be reported: the infectious disease specialist appears in the cauldron of the suspects in an investigation concerning alleged rigged university competitions. In addition to the televirologist, 32 other people are targeted by the prosecutor, including 24 university professors from important universities in the provinces of Milan, Pavia, Turin, Rome and Palermo. The proceeding, coordinated by Maurizio Romanelli and prosecutors Carlo Scalas and Luigi Furno, was initiated in March 2018 on the basis of a lawsuit. As reported by Adnkronos , the investigation it concerns “more episodes of conditioning the public hiring of ordinary and associate professors – but also of assistants and hospital managers – according to criteria that are not meritocratic, but aimed at favoring specific candidates through the preventive ‘profiling’ of the competition notices on the chosen one to be favored, and also thanks to the timely selection of compliant members of the competition commissions “. The suspects will have to answer for various reasons of criminal association, corruption, abuse of office, disturbed freedom of enchantments and material falsehood.

In short: to evaluate the first information, provided that the accusations are then confirmed at the trial, it seems to be a series of “baronial” techniques to favor this or that candidate. Nothing that even children don’t know: it’s certainly not the first time this has happened in the world, and it probably won’t even be the last. But what is striking is that the prosecutor accuses the professor of crimes that were also committed during the lockdown of 2020 . And that is when Galli pontificated from TV on pads, closures and so on. Remember when in March 2021 he beat the Italians for the “unfortunate behavior” kept on the canals? Or his TV clashes with hosts, colleagues and journalists? And again: who can forget the television authority with which he pontificated right and left on the measures to be taken to curb the pandemic, at times getting it right and other times by messing up the forecasts? There. Is it possible that the man with 7/8 interviews in one day, the professor “in the trenches”, the symbol of the penalty takers always on the pulpit, the never repentant 1968 man, the man of the coronavirus rules, possible he really violated the law? We’ll see. Of course he would be an incredible nemesis: especially for those who considered him the infallible prophet of the entire fight against the pandemic.

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