The parliamentary majority hopes for an agreement



Representatives of the parliamentary majority and Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić will have a new meeting today to

The meeting will be held in the Government building at 12 o’clock, and most of the representatives of the parties in power are hoping for an agreement.

“We believe that today’s meeting will be both successful and productive,” they told “Vijesti” from Democratic Montenegro.

The Deputy President of the Movement for Changes, Branko Radulović, told “Vijesti” that the agreement should be based on a quality and reform agenda.

He says that today’s meeting is of historical significance and it will determine what and where Montenegro will be in a year and ten, and maybe longer.

“Will Montenegro be within these borders, on the margins of global movements, will it wage its wars and live its absurdities, or will it build itself into a prosperous, democratic and truly European state. We have all the assumptions for an optimistic scenario, we only need a political consensus. I hope that Krivokapić, and all of us who make up the parliamentary majority, are aware of that. I advocated for such a meeting and agreement a year ago, “said Radulovic.

United Montenegro official Goran Danilovic also hopes for an agreement.

“I expect that after the first round of talks, where we met individually, that the meeting will bring much more new information and that the Prime Minister will introduce us to his idea and plan,” Danilovic told RTCG.

Most of the parties are for the reconstruction of the Government, so that politicians also enter the executive power, except for GP URA.

(URA) has repeatedly said that Reconstruction of the government is possible only on the expert non-partisan model on which it already exists.

”We have previously stated that the main board of our party, whose

At the meetings that Krivokapić held separately with the representatives of the parliamentary majority on Friday and Saturday, one of the conclusions

The leader of the Democratic People’s Party (DNP), Milan Knezevic, told reporters after the meeting on Friday that he expected to do so on Wednesday or Thursday. have a proposal and if there is an agreement, they will insist on a coalition agreement that will specify all the rights and obligations of the signatories.

From Democratic Montenegro yesterday they said that the reconstruction is neither small nor insignificant work is of the utmost importance, on the quality of which it may depend in the coming period, and therefore no step must be hasty or reckless.

“In order to carry out the work of government reconstruction by In the end, in an efficient and quality manner, it is necessary to first agree on the structure of the Government’s reconstruction. After agreeing on the structure, it is necessary to decide on the model, ie. whether they will be semi-partisan, non-partisan, expert-partisan, expert-non-partisan, and only when all this is agreed will we be able to discuss personnel solutions “, stated the Democrats.

When As for their further steps, they said that they can guarantee that “every dialogue on reconstruction will be approached responsibly, as a constructive factor on the way to finding the best solutions, which they have been doing since the beginning.”

“We have repeatedly emphasized that the Democrats are not here because of their functions, which you could unequivocally see in the previous year, but we are ready to maximally contribute to reconstruction and all changes that bring benefit to society,” said the Democrats. .

Radulović says that the agreement, above all, should be based on a quality and reform agenda on the basis of which the organization of the executive and legislative power should be made, which means good communication within the parliamentary majority, especially leadership circle , functional functioning of the Government and the Assembly and full inclusion of civil society.

”Based on that, personal decisions are made, who will be in which position, respecting the political strength and competence, it is a ‘vin vin’ combination. I believe that the leaders of the majority should be in the highest positions in the Government and the Assembly “, says Radulović.

Thus, as he says, Montenegro will get political stability, dismantling of the totalitarian system and full reform

At a meeting on Friday, PzP asked for the position of Deputy Prime Minister for Democratic Transition for leader Nebojsa Medojevic, which would unite the security sector, the prosecutor’s office and the judiciary.

Representatives of other parties said that they did not discuss concrete solutions with the Prime Minister in the reshuffled Government.

Krivokapić previously suggested that the reshuffled Government has three vice presidents, and that departments “that have proven to be extensive” divide. He came out with that attitude after he found a common language with the leaders of the DF on the night before the enthronement of Metropolitan Ioannicius of Montenegro and the Littoral.

After that, the Democrats were with the DF in mid-September. agreed (11*)

The crisis of the current government, which is negotiating the reconstruction, began on the day of the formation of the expert government against which he was DF, and culminated in the departure of their deputies from the Assembly after the removal of Justice Minister Vladimir Leposavic and the adoption of the Resolution on the Srebrenica genocide.

Radulovic warns that if no agreement is reached and continue ‘life without of life ‘, then Krivokapić and all of them will bear the greatest responsibility.

primarily in our hands and the decision on it is made in Montenegro “, said Radulović .

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