The policeman who shot herself in the head, driven on the last road. “It's a shock to all of us”

Adela, a 25-year-old police officer who ended her life with a gun, was buried on Friday. Dozens of people came to say goodbye to the young woman who had been suffering from depression for a long time.

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Adela Loredana died after being shot in the head with a weapon

Everyone who knew Adela came to say goodbye on Friday from the young policewoman. Even if the young woman’s relatives knew about her problems, no one could have imagined that she would choose to end her days.

Adela was a police officer, assistant port chief at the Strehaia Transport Police, and she had been married only a year and a few months ago to her boyfriend, Sorin, also a police officer. From the outside, he seemed to have a perfect life. Everything seemed wonderful from the images posted by the young woman on social networks. Unfortunately, the reality was completely different.

The people present at the funeral had only words of praise for Adela and said they were shocked by the girl’s gesture: “No one thought that could happen,” “It’s a shock to all of us.” Close colleagues, we have no words, it is very difficult “,” Nothing is more tragic for a parent to bury a child “,” A wonderful girl, beautiful, respectful “,” It was a flower. And good and beautiful “,” We were shaking. What more can we say. We were shocked when we heard “, said the people who knew Adela, for Antena 3.

Adela sent a message to her husband before he shot himself in the head

Adela’s relatives claim that she sent a message to her husband before going to the bathroom of the Strehaia Station. The young woman reportedly wrote to Sorin that she loved him very much and asked him to forgive her. Then he turned off his phone and went into the bathroom, where he shot himself in the head with a handgun.

The man allegedly tried to call Adela immediately, but could not contact her. He soon contacted the chief of police, and he went to look for her, finding her in a pool of blood.

Doctors who arrived at the scene found that the woman’s heart was still beating. She was rushed to the ambulance, but soon Adela went into cardio-respiratory arrest. Doctors resuscitated her for 45 minutes, but to no avail. The woman died on the way to the hospital.

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dreapta Adela was suffering from depression , but refuses to seek the help of a specialist

Adela’s relatives claim that dreapta The young woman was not feeling well at all

Lately. She said she felt sick, that her whole body ached. The family allegedly tried to help her and advised her to seek the help of a specialist, but Adela refused, and on January 19 she decided to end her days.

“Sorin (no Adela’s husband) talked about it non-stop with her (we even arranged with other friends to visit us one weekend at Sorin tried to go with her to a psychologist / psychiatrist, but she flatly refused. Yesterday they went to a neurologist (because she had a headache) “, said a close friend of the couple.

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