The price of Intel’s upcoming Alder Lake processors has been leaked on Amazon

With the upcoming launch of Intel Alder Lake processors around a month away, many PC builders are anxious to hear more about the pricing of these CPUs. While we are not likely to hear any official confirmation directly from Intel before its Innovation event near the end of October, it seems that Amazon indirectly spoiled the prices ahead of time.

Listings of a few 12th Generation Intel Core processors appeared on several Amazon websites, including Amazon NL, Amazon FR, Amazon Italy, and Amazon UK. These listings were then shared by @DellChannel21 and @momomo_us on Twitter, showing the alleged prices to a wider audience.

Promotional image of an Intel Core processor.
12th-Gen Intel Core Processors, code-named Alder Lake, are set to release this fall. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

The processors that were listed include the Intel Core i9-12900K, i9-12900KF, i7-12700K, i7-12700KF, i5-12600K, and i5-12600KF. Prices vary across the different versions of Amazon, although only slightly. It seems that the processors were priced with the sales tax already included.

Unsurprisingly, the best variant of Intel’s new generation of CPUs is the most expensive one, with prices ranging between 846.92 euros ($984) on Amazon NL and 935.22 euros($1,086) on Amazon IT. On the other end of the spectrum, the Intel Core i5-12600K seems to be much cheaper, priced between 311.41 euros and 326.51 euros across the stores.

ProcessorAmazon U

(In British pounds)

Amazon NL

(In euros)

Amazon IT

(In euros)

Amazon FR

(In euros)

Intel Core i9-12900K791.16846.92935.22919.88
Intel Core i9-12900KF753.30886,57893.89879.24
Intel Core i7-12700K550.16641.38646.69636.08
Intel Core i7-12700KF397.13556.63443.27436.01
Intel Core i5-12600K311.41323.83326.51321.16
Intel Core i5-12600KFListing not foundListing not found410.69403.96

Along with the prices, some basic specifications of the new CPUs were also leaked, including clock speeds. However, as Alder Lake processors feature a mix of performance and efficient cores, it’s impossible to tell which of the cores the speed applies to. For the Core i9-12900K entry, a clock of 3.2GHz has been listed, while the i7-12700K has a 3.6GHz clock, and lastly, the i5-12600K comes with a 3.7GHz clock. These specifications are likely to apply to base clock speeds and not the turbo variants.

We don’t know the exact release date for Intel Core Alder Lake processors yet, but rumors point towards a November 4th launch date with pre-orders opening a week before. Intel is likely to confirm this, along with the pricing, during the Intel Innovation event on October 27-28.

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