The Prosecutor's Office and the Committee on the Rights of the Child differ on a project that modifies entry requirements to the Police

Acto en Plaza Independencia por el Día del Policía (archivo, diciembre de 2021).

Act in Plaza Independencia for the Day of the Police (archive, December 2021).

Photo: Nicolás Aguilera , pool, AFP

Serpaj, as part of the committee, stated that preventing minors who committed certain crimes from being police officers is a “stigmatizing and discriminatory look towards adolescents”; The Prosecutor’s Office recommended a modification to the project of the Colorado Party.

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Read by Abril Mederos.

In March 2021, Colorado Party deputies presented a bill that modifies article 44 of the Law Organic Police of 2015 regarding the requirements for entry to the National Police. The initiative adds that it will not be possible to be part of the Police if during adolescence the person was the author, co-author or accomplice of “intentional commission of crimes of homicide, especially aggravated homicide, very especially aggravated homicide, serious injuries, very serious injuries, robbery, robbery with deprivation of liberty (seizure), extortion, kidnapping and rape. ”

Since the entry of the project to the Commission of Constitution, Codes, General Legislation …

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