The researchers “boiled” psilocybin, the active ingredient in lysophones in the laboratory. It was enough for them to use a simple method

Magic mushrooms, known in our country primarily as bald eagles, are often sought after by recreational drug users. The reason is the effective psychoactive substance contained in them – psilocybin, which can also cause hallucinations. The researchers said that it would no longer be necessary to extract the active substance for pharmacology from fungi, but a simple laboratory method was enough.

Quickly and cheaply

A series of studies have suggested that psilocybin may have therapeutic potential especially in the treatment of depression or other mental health disorders. However, according to the IFL Science portal , mushroom growing is not considered to be an economically sustainable way to meet clinical demand, in particular due to slow process as well as the resulting variability in efficacy.

For this reason, too, scientists have spent several years trying to create a genetically modified organism that can synthesize psilocybin quickly and cheaply. And they succeeded, as reported in a study published in the journal Bioengineered . It will be increasingly easy for recreational users to grow or harvest psychoactive mushrooms in nature (which, of course, is by no means recommended), but it is a big step forward for scientists.

Illustrative image: Pixnio

Simple conditions are enough

Using a modified bacterial strain E. coli, into which genome they encode the encoding of psilocybin biosynthesis, scientists are able to create a psychoactive substance by a relatively simple method. The treated bacteria were placed in a container of water, which was aerated using a simple pump and a plastic tube. The temperature was maintained at 37 degrees Celsius.

The researchers first made sure that everything was sterile, because if they did not, it reduced the amount of psilocybin produced. However, they then found that it was sufficient to add a certain amount of penicillin to the mixture and sterilization could be ruled out of the process.

In less than two days, we have successfully produced psilocybin at a concentration of approximately 300 mg per liter with readily available equipment , ”the study authors write.

Photo: pixabay

Risk of abuse

Scientists also consider over the regulation of the materials used to prevent the illegal production of psilocybin. Because modified E. coli are easy to obtain, they suggest that the microorganism itself be under strict control. However, they acknowledge that the bacterium itself does not contain psilocybin, so its possession should not be illegal. Therefore, they propose to regulate the 4-hydroxyindole compound, which is needed to stimulate bacteria to start producing psilocybin.

Although scientists are aware that their research may in the wrong hands, believe that it will be beneficial in the creation of drugs for patients with many mental illnesses.

See also:

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