The result of the giant jackpot in Super Lotto…

News Life Super Lotto Last minute: Super Lotto results have been announced January 16, 2022! Click on the result of the Super Lotto lottery, find out! Query Super Lotto results… SUBSCRIBE

16.01.2022 – 21:35Update: 16.01.2022 – 22:17

Excitement in Super Lotto continued this evening. The highly anticipated results of the Super Lotto draw, held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays of every week, were announced at 21:30. Here are the 16 January 2022 Super Lotto lottery results and the result query screen…

The excitement in Super Lotto continued with the last draw of the week held this evening. The winning numbers in the Super Lotto, where millions of people tried their luck across the country, were announced at 21:30!


1 – 6 – 16 – 36 – 50 – 59



Super Lotto is a game based on choosing 6 numbers between 1 and 60. Every 6 numbers you choose form a column. Single column fee is 3 TL.

If you don’t prefer to tick, tick the YOU CHOOSE box under the column and the terminal will randomly choose 6 numbers for you!

You can create a system game by marking more than 6 numbers in a column. The system game develops multiple game combinations. Players automatically generate all possible combinations in separate columns by choosing more than six numbers.

You can buy Joint Tickets with your friends. The purchase of one or more tickets by more than one member with the same or different share rates is called Joint Ticket. Joint tickets are also reflected in member accounts as soon as the purchase is made.

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