The rotation method to school will not add to the workload of teachers: Radzi Jidin

KUALA LUMPUR : The implementation of the rotation method to schools by dividing classes into two groups at the opening of schools according to the National Rehabilitation Plan (PPN) phase from Oct 3, will not increase the workload. teacher teaching.

Senior Minister of Education Datuk Radzi Jidin (picture) said this is because teachers only need to teach face to face about the same syllabus, for two different groups of students.

“The method of implementing this rotation system is one class we split into two groups, the first week of group A who come to school will study face to face with the teacher, and the next week the group will study at home and the only thing they have to do is do tasks such as activities, textbooks including learning through Youtube given by the teacher.

“This system will not add to the workload of teachers, because teachers have already made preparations and teaching plans, they just a share this matter with students to prepare at home and when students come back to school, teachers will see which topics their students do not understand, teachers will help, “he said.

He said this on the Inclusive: Safe and Conducive School Operation program broadcast by Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM), tonight.

He explained that group B will come to school next week to attend the learning session face to face.

In the meantime, Radzi said in ensuring that the aspirations of the framework issued by the ministry can be implemented well, the communication network not only at the ministry level but also at the lower level is used best.

“Parents themselves also requested for a school engagement with parents, so that each of them understands what the ministry is doing.

“ Yesterday, we also met the Director Education and say our instructions that children otherwise come to school, there is a letter that will not be subject to disciplinary action, we have ordered not to issue a warning letter later when a student does not attend school for three days, given a warning letter, ”he said. -Bernama

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